"Past life regression opens a forgotten closet in your soul, flooding you with familiar feelings and lost knowledge. It illuminates your past, present, and future, unlocking the wisdom of generations waiting to be rediscovered."Bettye Binder What if the challenges and unresolved issues in your current life originated in a past incarnation? My guest on today’s show is reincarnation teacher Bettye Binder, author of five books including Past Life Regression Guidebook. Bettye has helped nearly 14,000 people explore their past lives through classes and workshops since 1980. With degrees from Barnard…

"The world is more complex, you simply can't be an expert in everything. You have to narrow it down."David C. Baker Expertise and intentionality lie at the heart of success for advisors in a world where standing out from the competition is increasingly challenging. I'm excited to welcome David C. Baker, an author, speaker, and advisor to entrepreneurial creatives worldwide, to the show today. David has written six books, advised 1,000+ firms, and keynoted conferences in 30+ countries. In our discussion, David shares his insights on crafting a unique approach…

"When you trust your hero's journey and you show up in the world, magical aid appears. But if you just think of it without making any new choices, nothing's going to change."Andrew Daniel The path to awakening is often paved with challenges, setbacks, and profound realizations that shake the foundation of our perceived reality. On today’s show, Andrew Daniel, an award-winning author, spiritual teacher, and director at the Center for Cinesomatic Development, shares his captivating journey from childhood struggles to spiritual awakening and the development of Cinesomatics – a groundbreaking…

"We are built and intended to be in community with one another so that we can love, support, encourage, and grow together."Andrew Windham, Dr. Angelo Brown, and Spencer Shaw A little-known secret about me is that, for the past three years, I’ve been part of a men’s faith-based mastermind for entrepreneurs. We’ve been meeting every two weeks on Zoom. The premise is to read a particular book and come together to discuss it, a chapter each meeting. The books have included You Were Born for This and The Alchemist. There’s…

"Open conversation sparks self-awareness, deepens self-understanding, and initiates a powerful journey of healing."Sha Sparks Have you ever had a childhood vision that revealed your life's calling? Well, our guest today, Sha Sparks, had that very thing happen to her at the tender age of eight. Sha is the founder and CEO (Chief Excitement Officer) of Sparks of Fire. She hosts the Power of Investing in People podcast and is the author of How to Get Your Voice Back. Sha is also a certified Fearless Living Coach and Trainer. In this…

"Energetic NLP is a space where your spirit and deep inner human wisdom can easily guide, nurture, heal, and support you."Art Giser NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a topic I've covered on this show before. Still, it's been more from a personal development context, i.e., influencing your subconscious mind, rather than from an energy work context, which is what we're going to explore today. To help us explore the intersection of NLP and energetic healing is the world's leading expert on the topic, Art Giser. Art is the creator of Energetic…

"To manifest your desires, you must embody the feeling of already having what you wish for. Fully immerse yourself in that reality as if it's happening now."Karen Noé Do you believe we have psychic abilities? If you've been a loyal listener to my show, you know I do, and I believe we all possess these unique gifts. I am captivated by the unseen world and the ways we can tap into it. One individual who played a pivotal role in my journey of receiving messages from beyond the veil is…

"When we quiet the ego and still the mind, we open ourselves to the purest form of connection - one of total, undivided attention and delight."Dr. Mark Goulston There is a powerful perspective you have when you are dying. It's poignant and bittersweet listening to this interview and writing these words because my good friend, Dr. Mark Goulston, who sat down to record this with me not more than a few months ago, has since passed. I knew his journey, and when he came on the show, it was part…

"Meditate, be of service, realize that we're all one, and just help each other. That's the way to glory, without doubt."Guy Needler This episode promises a fascinating chat with Guy Steven Needler, whose journey has spanned mechanical engineering to exploring ethereal realms. Guy's adventures have taken him beyond the physical world, leading to intriguing discoveries about the universe and our place within it. He is the author of The History of God, Beyond the Source, Avoiding Karma, and several others as well. In our discussion, we touch on some powerful,…

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