"If you don't want to be the busy, overworked entrepreneur, work 'on' the business, not 'in' it."Michael Zipursky Does your business determine your lifestyle, or is it the other way around? My guest on today’s episode, Michael Zipursky, has learned from his decades in business that if you put your business goals at the top of the pyramid, everything will be in service to that, which he asserts (and I wholeheartedly agree) is the wrong way to live. Michael is the CEO of Consulting Success. He has helped over 450…

"You have access to all the resources you need to achieve what you want in life. You just have to find them and, when you do, be able to use them to your advantage."Erik Luhrs If your work isn’t for everyone, you’re probably doing something right, especially when that work uses channeling abilities in your business coaching. Which is, of course, why I think the work that Erik Luhrs is doing is so phenomenal. Erik is known as the Bruce Lee of revenue generation and is the creator of Revenue…

"If one is using spirituality to detach from reality, it can become a problem. One must use it to draw even more energy, a higher consciousness, and light to this world."Yeliz Ruzgar The most important question you will ask yourself in life is, “What is my purpose?” Even asking it will start shifting your biology, your DNA. You’ll start looking at everything around you with a heightened awareness and eventually you'll start noticing the signs, coincidences—it’s an incredible thing. My guest on today’s show, Yeliz Ruzgar, is a motivational and…

"When we pay more attention to what keeps our energy up, what fascinates us, and what motivates us to wake up every day, we begin to connect the dots."Dr. Toni Galardi Dr. Toni Galardi, my guest on today’s episode, once called herself “the poster child for the change impaired” because she was a bit  “slow” when it came to preparing for change. This kind of warm and very human confession is what makes Dr. Galardi so relatable, and so compelling. She has parlayed two advanced degrees and a license into…

"Akasha is essentially a field of energy that surrounds every living being. It’s like this fabric that creates and connects all forms of life on this plane, as well as other planes."Anne Marie Pizarro There's a great Mark Twain quote, history doesn't repeat itself but sometimes it rhymes. Indeed, my guest today Anne Marie Pizarro, is someone who does some powerful work with what are known as the Akashic Records. Anne is an Akashic Records Reader, and I've gotten to experience her amazing work firsthand. What the Akasha is in…

"It doesn’t matter what country we live in, what language we speak, or what color our skin is, all human and animal souls have equal opportunities. For every action we commit, there is a similar reaction in this lifetime or another."Sheila Gillette My guest for today’s episode offers a rare window into a psychic phenomenon that is best explained by my guest herself. Sheila Gillette is one of those people who has dialed into a higher spiritual frequency and taps into it every day to assist as many people as…

"I often hear the phrase, 'we are a slave to other people's opinions.' To set yourself free from that is not to disregard theirs. But, in a deep sense of respect, you take on your own first. Then you let other people's opinions model, mold, and help it." Guru Singh My discussion with Guru Singh today reminded me that we're all living in this sort of inverted pyramid, where we deal with the concrete realities around us at the tip of the pyramid, but above us, there's the rest of…

"All mediums are psychics, but not all psychics are mediums. This unique ability is I'm able to see people who have crossed over or passed." Mark Christopher Nelson If you, like me, believe that our consciousness exists beyond our physical bodies, then this is an episode you’re going to want to listen to. This is no exaggeration, but today’s guest, Mark, saved a family member’s life in the middle of our interview. For privacy reasons, we’ve cut that part out of the interview, but rest assured this person who I…

We all have mental, emotional and physical capabilities. Some people, like today’s guest, Kim White, also have incredible spiritual or dare I say extrasensory capabilities. There is an energetic component to one’s being; everyone has it. You know it when you meet someone and get a really bad feeling about them or go into a room and want to leave immediately; you are picking up on the negative energy. Conversely, you are aware when someone is positive or when you walk into a room and it is warm and welcoming. …

Personal transformation can come when you’re open--willing to go on a lifelong journey of learning, experimentation, and spiritual exploration. My guest today is a fascinating learner and teacher, Don Miguel Ruiz Jr., who grew up in Mexico steeped in the traditions and learnings of his grandmother, his mother, and his father, Don Miguel Ruiz Sr., who wrote The Four Agreements.  In today’s episode, Don Miguel Jr. and I discuss enlightenment, self-acceptance, and the dark and light sides of the human experience. One of the lessons Don Miguel Jr. learned from…

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