Experience a transformative journey with immersive coaching intensives. Whether you choose a focused half-day session or a full day for comprehensive exploration, you’ll emerge with renewed clarity, actionable strategies, and the momentum to catalyze real change.


Ready to take your brand and life purpose to the next level? Discover the power of a deep-dive intensive to invest in your personal and professional development. Stephan offers three coaching intensives to meet your needs:


In this 4-hour session, we’ll craft your compelling brand story, boost your website’s impact, hone your social media presence, and create an actionable plan to establish or rejuvenate your personal brand.


Discover your life’s purpose, set bold goals, identify obstacles,
and create your personal mission statement. Stephan’s 4-hour intensive will ignite your personal growth journey.


Get the best of both worlds with an immersive 8-hour experience. We’ll transform your brand and clarify your life’s purpose in one empowering day.


Are you ready to embrace your life’s mission? in this session, Stephan assists you in uncovering and clarifying your life’s purpose. It’s about taking those first pivotal steps on your journey to self-actualization.

These intensives are not just about brainstorming ideas, they are about formulating actionable strategies that will help you achieve your goals. The journey to personal and professional evolution begins here. It’s time to redefine your narrative and set your compass toward success.

"I left with a new vision for my business, my website, and my life."
Chris Parker
WhatIsMyIPAddress Founder


Standing at the threshold of any major life shift can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re journeying alone. But the prospect of change should stir excitement, not apprehension. The Personal Transformation Strategy Intensive is your compass, guiding you from the precipice of transformation to the heart of your journey. From point A to point B, or even C and D, we’ll navigate the path of growth together. You’re not alone in this; let’s embrace the change that awaits!

In this half-day coaching session, Stephan will help you with:

Personal Goal Setting
Learn how to identify your life’s specific purpose. Form your life’s mission statement. Set Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals for your personal life and professional brand and learn how to accomplish them!

Creating a Detailed Personal Mission Statement
In life and in business, if your mission statement is too broad or vague, you may find your success and growth level screech to a halt. In this strategy intensive, zero in on what your mission statement should include and learn how to ensure it’s a foundational part of your life.

Your Transformational Plan
Learn to implement your MTP (Massive Transformational Purpose). Get excited about the steps you need to take to see your desired results. An MTP strategy will help your personal and professional growth take tangible shape.

Identify Roadblocks and Obstacles
What’s keeping you from living the life you long for? By identifying the roadblocks on your path, you can also learn how to overcome them. An experienced, unbiased perspective might help you to see these obstacles with greater clarity than you can find on your own.


Whether you own a growing, successful business or are struggling as a niche influencer, your branding could have everything to do with your current professional status. Your brand should tell your story in a relatable way that addresses the pain points of your audience of potential clients and engages with visitors to your website.

Imagine crafting a brand that resonates with your unique story and vision. This session is an opportunity to brainstorm with Stephan and create a plan to either rejuvenate your existing personal brand or establish a new, impactful one. It’s about harnessing the power of your individuality and translating it into a brand that authentically represents you.

You will deep dive into:

Google Knowledge Panel
Knowledge panels are the informative boxes that provide a snapshot of your brand on the right hand side of Google search results for your name. These little snippets of information are vital components to drive website traffic and impact your SEO rankings.

Stephan will analyze your personal branding, and give you concrete suggestions on what your Google Knowledge Panel should include.

Social Media Profile
If your personal brand doesn’t exist on social media, or your profiles haven’t brought potential clients into your world, you may need to learn how to capitalize on social media content and engagement.

Not all social media is created equal. Learn how to engage and create viral posts on the platforms that will work best for your brand.

Brand Script
Collaborate with Stephan on a StoryBrand brand script. What message do you want your brand to convey? What voice do you want to use in your messaging?

If you’ve already achieved notability, Wikipedia should be a consideration. There are many landmines and considerations, though, as Wikipedia is not to be manipulated.

Personal Website
This half-day intensive can help you implement actionable steps to increase your website traffic. Your site design, clear mission, and content library all contribute to your website’s success. Stephan will analyze all of these components and suggest improvements.

Brand Service and SEO
If you struggle to make the services you offer clear and valid for your audience, Stephan can help you hone your service offers and calls to action. His SEO expertise will help you to make necessary changes to your content plan and help your website to rise in search result rankings.

In the Personal Branding Intensive, you’ll also learn how to:

Promote your vision

Promote the foundational
values of your brand

Promote your brand


Whether you opt for the half-day branding, the half-day personal transformation, or the full-day immersion, one thing is for certain—you’re set for remarkable personal and professional expansion. The time for change isn’t in the distant future, it’s now, in this very moment. If you are poised for growth that reverberates through all facets of your life, Stephan Spencer stands ready, fueled by a passion to propel you forward on your path. so, don’t hesitate—your journey toward transformation starts now!

Get in touch to schedule a free consult with Stephan to figure out which intensive will work best for you. If you prefer an extended one-on-one coaching engagement, that option is available to you as well.

Limited availability



Play Video
When I first decided to work with Stephan, all I expected was SEO knowledge. But it didn’t take long to realize his dedication to learning about my business went far beyond that.

He helped me shift my perspective on time management and resource allocation and pushed... Read more
Chris Parker
WhatIsMyIPAddress Founder
Play Video
Before I started the sessions with Stephan, I was kind of in doubt because his sessions were so expensive. I was like, “Oh my gosh, is that worth it? Can I afford it?” But no, I decided to go for it and has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.

Before, I was living in this bubble where I was kind... Read more
AJ Delorena
Talented Technologies
And you’ve opened so many doors for me, whether it be working with Roger Love, whether it be working with Savvy Copy on some things, whether it be working with Studio1, or whether it be working with a co-writer of my book. You have opened so many doors.

Thank you so much, Stephan. Thank you for being my partner, my friend, my mentor, and just being an incredible human being. It’s been a pleasure working with you for the past year. I envision working with you for many years to come.
Brandon Yosha
Trial lawyer, Yosha Law
I have know Stephan Spencer for about 7 years. Over that time, we have had many Zoom calls from opposite sides of the world herein Australia. Initially we discussed client projects and business. Then over time I have watched Stephan’s amazing spiritual passion evolve over the years, and I have been privileged to be a part of Stephan’s journey, especially because most of our calls are discussing the lessons Stephan has learned, and how I can apply it to my life.

I was a bit sceptical at first, then with Stephan’s guidance, and listening to his incredible GYO podcast, I opened my mind to what is possible when you look at the universe through Stephan’s lens.
Greg Merrilees
Founder of Studio1Design
Over six years, we spent quite a lot of time together, especially with the coaching and mentoring, which has certainly helped me a lot, both my agency and then, unexpectedly, certainly with my personal life as well!
Gareth Simpson
Founder of Seeker Digital
I wanted to say a few words about Stephan Spencer’s coaching program. I actually have used Stephan’s program for three months and it’s been super beneficial to me. It actually helped me to retain one of my biggest clients.
Jim Sugel
Founder of Xpurience Media


My journey spans a transformation from biochemistry geek, to marketing and SEO expert, to a spiritually awakened soul.

Leveraging my professional acumen, deep spiritual insights, and an unwavering passion for fostering growth, I stand ready to guide you in your quest to build a compelling personal brand and to embark on your life’s mission. Your potential is vast; let’s unlock it together.

Are you ready for the Half-Day
or Full-Day Intensive?


When you take the step to engage in an intensive with Stephan Spencer, you’re not just signing up for a coaching session—you’re entering into a partnership where your success is the ultimate goal. Stephan’s commitment to you is rooted in a deep-seated dedication to see you excel and achieve the heights of your potential.

Here's what you can expect:

Tailored Expertise: Stephan’s approach is not one-size-fits-all. He will tailor his expertise to fit your unique brand narrative and personal aspirations, ensuring that every piece of advice and strategy is relevant to your specific journey.

Unwavering Support: Throughout your intensive, and beyond, Stephan will be your staunchest ally. From the initial consultation to the implementation of your plan, he’s there to offer support, encouragement, and expert insights every step of the way.

Transformational Strategies: Expect strategies that don’t just scratch the surface but delve deep into the core of your branding and life purpose. Stephan is dedicated to offering transformational tactics that will create lasting change.

Empowering Tools: You’ll gain access to a suite of tools and resources that empower you to continue your growth independently. Stephan’s goal is to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary for sustained self-improvement.

Accountability: Stephan will hold you accountable to the goals you set, pushing you to stretch beyond your comfort zone while ensuring you remain on track to achieve your vision.

Your intensive is more than just a session; it’s a transformative experience that Stephan is dedicated to making as impactful and profound as possible. With Stephan, you have a mentor who believes in your potential and is devoted to unlocking it.

Choose to invest in yourself. Apply now for the Half-Day Strategy Transformation Intensive, Half-Day Strategy Branding Intensive, or Full-Day Immersion and let Stephan’s commitment to excellence guide you towards the realization of your dreams.


Fill out the details on the form, and I will review your application. If you are a good fit, I’ll send you a link to my calendar.

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You’ll walk away with clear, actionable steps tailored to your unique situation, whether that’s improving your personal brand, clarifying your life’s purpose, or identifying the next pivotal steps on your journey to personal growth.

Entrepreneurs, business leaders, and individuals seeking significant personal or professional growth. It’s ideal for those feeling stuck, looking to rebrand, or wanting to align their actions with their core purpose.

The Branding Intensive is best if you’re focused on enhancing your professional image or business presence. The Transformation Intensive is ideal if you’re seeking personal growth, life purpose clarity, or a major life change.

Stephan’s Half-Day Strategy Intensive stands out by combining his world-class SEO and marketing expertise with profound spiritual insights. This unique blend allows him to address both the practical and metaphysical aspects of success. Stephan doesn’t just offer business strategies; he helps you align your professional goals with your life’s purpose, tapping into universal principles for truly transformative results. His approach bridges the gap between cutting-edge digital tactics and timeless wisdom, offering a holistic path to both business growth and personal fulfillment.

Stephan offers extended one-on-one coaching engagements for those who desire continued guidance and support in implementing their action plans.

Get in touch with Stephan’s team here to schedule a free consultation. During this call, you’ll discuss your needs and determine which intensive is right for you.

You’ll receive a pre-intensive questionnaire to help you reflect on your goals and challenges. This allows Stephan to tailor the session to your specific needs.

You’ll receive a summary of your action plan and any resources discussed during the session. Stephan will also schedule a brief follow-up call to check on your progress and answer any questions.

Pricing varies based on individual needs and the chosen intensive. During your free consultation, you’ll receive a customized quote based on your specific situation and goals.



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