Artificial Intelligence Risks and Rewards with Dr. Ben Goertzel

Dr. Ben Goertzel
“The interplay between spiritual intuitive insight and science and engineering is going to be one of the more interesting things during the next couple of decades as we advance toward singularity.”
Dr. Ben Goertzel

Artificial Intelligence is evolving quickly; some argue faster than humanity can cope with. What can’t be argued is how sweeping the impact of AI will be on the world. As all this continues to unfold, what’s the impact for us now and in the future? And how will it affect the next generation?

In this episode, Dr. Ben Goertzel and I dive deep into the intricacies and possibilities of artificial intelligence and the urgent need for us humans to prepare for this brave new world.

Dr. Ben is a cross-disciplinary scientist, entrepreneur, and author. He leads the SingularityNET Foundation, the OpenCog Foundation, and the AGI Society, which runs the annual Artificial General Intelligence conference.

Dr. Ben also chairs the futurist nonprofit Humanity+ and serves as Chief Scientist of AI firms Singularity Studio, Rejuve, SingularityDAO, and Xccelerando Media, which are all parts of the SingularityNET ecosystem.

If you’d like to understand the benefits, risks and implications of AI from one of the top minds in the field, you’re in the right place. This episode is packed with thought-provoking insights from one of the most sought-after futurists. Dr. Ben made a compelling case for decentralizing AI and why it’s our mission not to let it be controlled by a single organization. We even discussed how superintelligent machines connect with spirituality.

And now, without further ado, on with the show!

How to Heal Childhood Trauma with Shalev Amar

Shalev Amar
“It’s important to process, release, and heal trauma because if you don’t, you’ll keep reliving these same patterns over and over again.”
Shalev Amar

We’ve all experienced childhood trauma to varying degrees. Heaven knows I got more than my fair share of it — in the forms of physical, verbal, mental and emotional abuse.

I’ve heard that trauma is anything less than nurturing. By that definition, I would guess that captures my entire listener base. But this is not usually talked about publicly. Today, we have one brave guest willing to bare his soul, discuss publicly his childhood wounding, and most importantly, share his healing journey, including those modalities that worked and those that didn’t.

By day, Shalev Amar is a successful attorney who’s assisted many consumers of lemon vehicles for 17 years.

Shalev has studied trauma processing, releasing, and healing methods for 9 years to overcome his own childhood trauma. He’s come onto Get Yourself Optimized to share what he’s learned with those of us who face our own trauma challenges or have people in our lives that we care about who are held back by their trauma.

Let’s get on with this important episode!

Behind the Scenes of Hustle and Flowchart with Joe Fier & Matt Wolfe

Joe Fier & Matt Wolfe
“Do not focus on the numbers; instead, focus on the message and the brand awareness.”
Joe Fier & Matt Wolfe

Have you ever wondered about the daily routines of podcast hosts? There’s a lot that goes into planning a successful podcast, but it’s not all booking guests and counting subscribers. Our guests today open up about all things Hustle and Flowchart.

Joe Fier and Matt Wolfe are entrepreneurs, marketers, mastermind hosts, speakers, and authors. They co-host the popular podcast Hustle and Flowchart. Joe began his career in business consulting and video sales, while Matt started out by blogging and building WordPress websites.

In today’s episode, Matt and Joe share what they love about hosting their podcast. They go into morning rituals, breathwork, biohacking devices, spiritual experiences, and their own personal strengths and weaknesses. We discuss what it’s like to interview multiple people a week and how to implement their advice without getting overwhelmed. Rather than focusing solely on the numbers, Joe and Matt are simply trying to put their message out there. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to start a podcast, already has a podcast, or identifies as a podcast addict always looking for more!

Beating Cancer with Michelle Patterson

There’s an Indian proverb that goes something like, “A healthy person has many wishes, but the sick person has only one.” Statistically speaking, we in the Western world are most likely to die from cancer. Yes, cancer recently surpassed heart disease as the biggest killer. It really is no longer viable to stand idly by without taking some proactive actions to prevent cancer and to innovatively treated if you have it. We all have cancer cells in our bodies circulating in our bloodstream. It’s just that our immune system is keeping that in check. Well, until it doesn’t. 

Michelle Patterson
“As long as I’m on the planet, I’m going to share with anybody that will listen. My job is to spread the message that this is your opportunity to fall in love with yourself”
Michelle Patterson

My guest today for this episode number 217 is Michelle Patterson. Michelle is the founder and CEO of the California Women’s Conference. If you’ve ever gone you know how huge this event is. But now Michelle is on a wellness sabbatical from her business, as she was diagnosed earlier this year with stage four breast cancer. Don’t worry about her though, as she is defying the odds and you’re about to learn how. Michelle was on a mission to help women truly own their health and put their own oxygen mask on first. Her goal for 2020 is to build a community of 1 million women united by cannabis as a healing plant medicine. Get ready for a frank discussion that may just one day save your life.

Your Hidden Network with David Burkus

Is it possible that the conventional wisdom about networking is wrong? There’s a lot of advice out there on the best ways to network, but how much of it really was based on scientific research? According to my guest for this episode number 203, David Burkus, investing time and energy into networking events and flashy business cards likely won’t bring you the results you’re looking for. Instead, he argues that the most valuable relationships are the ones you already have with the people you already know.

David Burkus
“Be deliberate about who you’re spending your time with and who you’re letting them introduce you to because networks over time tend toward clustering and similarities.”
David Burkus

David’s book, Friend of a Friend, digs into cutting-edge science on human behavior to reveal some profound and counterintuitive insights into the most effective networking strategies. It’s a great read, and it might just revolutionize the way you go about networking. David is a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review, has delivered keynotes to leaders of Fortune 500 companies, and his TED talk has been viewed almost two million times. He’s also a guest on my Marketing Speak podcast episode number 135.

If you’re not a subscriber to Marketing Speak, by the way, you, my friend, are missing out. Please subscribe—and to this show, too, if you haven’t already. If you have frustrations with networking in the past, stick around as David introduces a whole new approach that I predict will have massive benefits for your career or business.

Healed by Ayahuasca with Dennis Notten

Sometimes here in the West, we can get so caught up in new ideas, we overlook traditional practices that have been around for centuries. My guest for this episode is Dennis Notten, a yoga meditation teacher, healer and a student of indigenous medicine from the Amazon and other parts of South America. Dennis has spent an extensive amount of time in the Amazon learning healing techniques from tribes like the Yawanawá in Brazil. He’s on a mission to bring some of these powerful methods to a broader audience in the West and beyond. We’ll be discussing plant medicine and in particular Ayahuasca, which comes from the Amazon rain forest. It’s important to recognize that when we refer to plant medicine in this episode, it does not mean medicine, drug or supplement in the Western sense.

Dennis Notten
“The test of time is the most difficult test to stand.”
Dennis Notten

Neither Dennis nor I are suggesting that Ayahuasca or the Ayahuasca vine be used to treat or cure physical diseases or other physical conditions. In other words, please do not construe any of this episode’s discussion as medical advice. Indigenous people of the Amazon have used Ayahuasca and the Ayahuasca vine for thousands of years. They’re honoring them as wise plant teachers that help people on their spiritual path. In that sense of having plant teachers guiding us on our spiritual path and helping us in healing spiritually, this is what we mean when we refer to plant medicine. Please don’t construe this episode’s discussion as trying to persuade, convince you our audience or others to use Ayahuasca or other sacred plant medicine. This is a deeply personal decision.

If you choose to invite these plant teachers into your life, it’s critical you obtain assistance from experienced facilitators who have integrity and extensive training in an established spiritual tradition. I want to emphasize that if you have any physical, psychological ailments or conditions you should consult with a physician before considering any plant medicines. None of what Dennis and I discussed should be intended as medical advice. With all these disclaimers behind us, I think you’re going to find this discussion to be fascinating. Dennis opened me up to a fresh new perspective on spiritual health and on healing. Stay tuned as we explore the amazing wisdom that Dennis gleaned from his extensive time in the Amazon with indigenous people.

Reinventing Yourself with John Romaniello

My guest for this episode is a true renaissance man. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller, Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha. He is a biohacker and an expert in hormone optimization, an entrepreneur, an Angel investor, a writing coach, a business mentor and the Founder of Roman Fitness Systems. I’m talking about the one and only, John Romaniello. You might be shocked that one man can achieve all that. On top of it all, Roman pulls it off with an irreverent attitude and a style that’s truly unique. We’re going to take a deep dive into Roman’s life as he opens up about reinventing himself, his use of psychedelic drugs, PTSD, polyamory, fitness routines and more. It’s going to be a wild ride so strap yourself in for some powerful insights into living your best life along with a few hilarious anecdotes along the way.

John Romaniello
“One of the primary goals of radical honesty is to eliminate ambiguity and to get to the heart of clarity.”
John Romaniello

Unlock Mysteries with Lucid Dreaming with Charlie Morley

Have you ever had a dream in which you realized you were dreaming? Did you control what happened in your dream even though you were aware that your body was asleep in bed? Or did you realize that you were having a nightmare and tried to wake yourself up? If you’ve ever had either of those experiences, you’ve gotten a taste of lucid dreaming. If you’re ready for more than a taste, and want to unlock the power of being conscious that you’re dreaming, tune into this episode!

Charlie Morley
“Lucid dreaming is the ultimate psychedelic experience. You’re in a three-dimensional virtual reality simulation of your own mind. ”
Charlie Morley

My guest, Charlie Morley, is the bestselling author of three books, including Dreaming Through Darkness, whose works have been translated into 11 languages. Charlie is a sought-after teacher on lucid dreaming and shadow work who has run retreats and workshops across two decades and over 20 countries. Today, we’ll take a deep dive into lucid dreaming, exploring what it is and how you can harness its incredible power to improve your life.

How to Develop the Physical and Mental Strength of a Zen Warrior with Sam Morris

Sam Morris, my guest on the show today, after being paralyzed in 1999, was determined not to be the victim of his circumstances. Would you be angry? Resentful? Bitter? All of those are understandable human reactions, but shifting your perspective can turn that injury (or any other tragic accident) into a gift and a catalyst for change in your life and the lives of countless others. Facing his physical paralysis head-on allowed him to see other kinds of paralysis (such as mental or emotional paralysis) for what they are, and to help others overcome them through his Zen Warrior Training. In fact, Sam now experiences more vitality and clarity than he had before his accident. We talk about all that and more in this conversation.

Sam Morris
“Don’t give your power away by reacting to circumstances. It is your choice how you welcome each experience.”
Sam Morris

Reaching Self-Optimization Through Self-Awareness with Justin Dudek

In case you’ve never heard of the Quantified Self Movement, let me give you a little introduction before we talk about today’s guest. The quantified self movement is a group of citizen scientists who study their own health through various biomarkers and through tracking behaviors. This allows them to optimize themselves in some inspirational ways.

Justin Dudek
“The great thing about breathwork—and this is one thing that attracts me to it—is that it actually changes the wave patterns going on inside your brain.”
Justin Dudek

This week’s guest, Justin Dudek, is a behavior hacker who’s part of the quantified self movement. He got involved in behavior hacking a few years ago, and in that time, he has tracked everything from heart rate variability to sleep to bad (and good) habits. In doing this, he has experimented with neurofeedback, Pavlok (electroshock), holotropic breathing, ice pads, and much more.