Reimagine the Future of Humanity with Steve Farrell

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Hosted By Stephan Spencer
Steve Farrell


Steve Farrell
"The centrality of love in everything we do can dissolve global challenges from war to anxiety. When we reciprocate God's love, we create a ripple effect of healing and connection."
Steve Farrell

I always find it compelling when someone walks away from a lucrative career to make a complete spiritual pivot. The journey of today's guest, Steve Farrell, embodies this shift, having traversed the path from Silicon Valley entrepreneur to conscious leader and spiritual guide.

At age eleven, there were signs of early business acumen as Steve paid off the cost of his braces using pay from a paper route and other odd jobs. Steve would go on to co-found two successful tech firms before starting a global nonprofit with his cofounder, the renowned spiritual author Neale Donald Walsch. That nonprofit, Humanity's Team, is focused on awakening people to their interconnectedness. Steve's book, A New Universal Dream, chronicles his transition from chasing the American Dream to embracing a life of service and spiritual growth.

In this enlightening discussion, Steve shares insights on the power of conscious living. He talks about the concept of making God a business partner and how this perspective can transform one's approach to work and life. Steve also explores the importance of gratitude, even for life's challenges, and how this practice can deepen one's spiritual connection.

This conversation offers invaluable insights for anyone looking to infuse their personal and professional life with greater purpose, consciousness, and spiritual depth. So without any further ado, on with the show!

In this Episode

  • [04:27]Steve Farrell, the co-founder of Humanity’s Team, shares his career trajectory from tech entrepreneurship to spiritual leadership and the transformative experience that instigated his shift.
  • [10:57]Stephan explores the dual meaning of provision and the illusion of separation that fosters harmful behaviors.
  • [14:12]Steve offers insights on receiving daily spiritual guidance and discusses the life review process experienced by mediums and those who have near-death experiences.
  • [17:45]How the concept of conscious living and scientific principles like quantum entanglement inform Steve’s life and work.
  • [20:23]Stephan and Steve delve into nurturing personal relationships and infusing love into daily practices. Stephan also expands on the importance of maintaining positive thoughts and communicating respectfully with God.
  • [27:10]Stephan and Steve examine how to integrate spirituality into business, foster a culture of love, and view oneself as a steward of God’s work.
  • [41:44]Stephan describes his morning ritual, focusing on gratitude through a God journal and reflecting on personal challenges.
  • [51:46]Steve recounts the mystical experience of seeing a white dove, which served as a divine sign for him to pursue his initiative.

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Welcome to the show, Steve.

Stephan, Thank you so much for having me. Looking forward to being with you.

It’s great to have you. We met about six months ago at a Maverick1000 event. Yanik Silver, founder of Maverick, who was also a past guest on this show, had you come to the event, and it really resonated with what you had to say. I invited you to the show, and here we are.

The Little Soul and the Sun by Neale Donald Walsch

Yeah, it’s nice to be back together, and as we were sharing before coming on the program, there were some real key moments where we met out in North Carolina at the Maverick1000 event. We’re definitely on a wavelength, that’s for sure. 

You were saying that you normally come on these shows, podcasts, radio programs and so forth without knowing anything about the host and just starting cold, but you got to know me from the event beforehand. So you got a leg up in this sense.

Absolutely. We both have tech backgrounds and are deeply spiritual and a lot of times, those things don’t go together; though, through programs like this and other programs like we’re doing in the Humanity’s Team, there are more and more tech people and people of wealth, etc., that are saying, “Wow, there’s really maybe something to this conscious living thing.” Of course, that’s all point, which is why we’re here, to engage others.

Yeah, for sure. So, you co-founded Humanity’s Team. This is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with Neale Donald Walsch, and I think very highly of Neale and his work. I loved the children’s book he wrote, The Little Soul and the Sun. I read that to my kid, and he’s the author of Conversations with God. He’s just an amazing human, amazing soul. I’m sure there’s a story there about how you met him. Some sort of miraculous synchronicity or something must have happened there to bring that about.

There is a story. I really kind of started these companies in the right place at the right time because, of course, I was in Silicon Valley, right there in the center in 1990, when we launched the first company, which was digital communication. It was riding this wave of the Internet, and we were working with larger companies like Gap, Esprit, and Apple computers. We were working with large companies based on the West Coast and then grew it out to the East Coast. We were absolutely in the right place at the right time—two guys, young, used furniture, a very inexpensive executive suite, and just rode the wave.

Here we were, ten years later. We were more than 175 people and over 75 million in revenue. When we sold that organization to NEC, the Japanese conglomerate and then inside that company, we birthed a second company, and we grew to 75 million in two years. I really was riding that technology and entrepreneurial wave. But during that timeframe, near the end of the 90s, I read Conversations with God Book 1 by Neale Donald Walsch.

It was a profound experience for me. It began my whole awakening experience. Near the end of the 90s, Neale and his newsletter said, “Hey, is anybody out there reading my newsletter that is running a good-sized company that has actually put the Conversations with God’s wisdom to work?” 

Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch

Now understand that in the 90s, Neale was on every CBS, NBC, ABC, and CNN. He was on every show. His book was on the New York Times bestseller list 137 weeks. I didn’t think I was anybody special when I responded and said, “Yeah, as a matter of fact, we are putting all that wisdom to work.” I thought one of a million people was writing back to Neale, and I was kind of surprised that I was one of a few. Neale invited me and my wife to fly up to Oregon, where he lives, and spend some quality time with him. That kind of got things started. It was years later that I launched Humanity’s Team with Neale.

Amazing. It’s no coincidence that you’re working with him. By the way, for our listeners unfamiliar with the Conversations with God book series, it has sold over 10 million copies, and it’s in 37 languages. This is a very popular book series.

I like to think of it in today’s world with all that’s going on, and of course, it’s quite challenging. Why would God not want to create the opportunity for some big collective global conversation that gets to life’s biggest questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? What’s the invitation in life? Why would God not want to create that clarity?” Neale says, and I believe and is often shared by others, that he was chosen. He was a man on the streets at that time, eating even out of trash cans. He was homeless when his now famous Conversations with God started. 

I believe those nine-book series are on so many people’s bedstands because you can’t punch holes in that wisdom. Neale asks these questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? How does life work?” All of these things and the wisdom that comes back are startling. Even scientists stand behind quantum physics, which is there. I think that what’s unusual is not that I read it and that it was profound, because, as I say, as you mentioned, 10 million people have ordered the books. What may be unusual is that I didn’t actually ever believe that that wisdom was so profound and powerful for me that I changed my entire life based on that wisdom. That’s where maybe I’ve kind of gone in a little different direction than some.

Guidance from God isn't reserved for rare moments; it's a daily blessing. Whether through thoughts, experiences, or visions, this guidance aligns us with the highest good and love. Share on X

Yeah. And as you said, you were one of the few people who wrote to demonstrate that you applied the book series principles in your business. That alludes to what we were talking about earlier, about having technical backgrounds and applying that into the spiritual and the spiritual into the tech. It’s all one thing, really. 

We’re just all playing this beautiful video game called ‘life,’ and it’s all divinely orchestrated and guided. If we just kind of relax into it and allow, instead of kicking up resistance, as Abraham-Hicks says, kicking up resistance in our path, then miracles ensue. It’s beautiful.

Absolutely. That’s one of the keys. Where we’re not putting up resistance, which causes cognitive dissonance, incidentally, where you resist, there’s the tap on the shoulder of, “Hey, you can do this, and it will work for you. You’re just kind of pushing it away.” Now, as you mentioned, the opposite of that is to go with the flow. Some people use the term surrender where, “Okay, I’m here. Divine, if there are purposes for my life and home, it is out in the world. Use me.” Once we climb on that raft and go with the flow, boy, watch out what happens to your life with your partner kids. That’s a beautiful thing. Just stop resisting. Listen to that still, small voice. 

Your soul’s calling is where you’re given the vision and provision.

Your soul’s calling is where you’re given the vision,  and you’re always given provision. A lot of times, you won’t feel it right away, and you feel like you’re sort of out on your own. “Oh, boy, is this going to work out for me and things like this?” But it does work out to your viewers and listeners. I would say, “Oh, my gosh, if there was one thing we’re talking about, I just really invite you to hear it. That still, small voice guides you to your partner and important things in your life. When loved ones and the world have this noise around you, don’t do it. They love you, and they’re trying to help, but they’re not helping. You’ve got to tune out that worldly noise, even from loved ones, and follow that still small voice.

When you said the word provision, two meanings came to mind for me. One is proactive vision, which is preempting the bricks that might fall on you if you ignore them or don’t pay attention to the signs. There’s provision being provided for having not just your life but your livelihood, provided for by the creator. Because, of course, you get both. You get provided for; you get your livelihood from the creator. We tend to forget that collectively, I’d say. That needs to be reawakened and really looked at. If we think we’re doing this out of our own merit, then that’s our ego, and we actually push away the miracles, the synchronicities, and the divine support.

Yeah, so true. To underscore a few things you’re saying here, Stephan, what this wisdom says, and now quantum physics is affirming, is that we are actually part of this one. We’re referencing the divine God. Scientists will use the terms cosmos and universe, and increasingly, scientists and spiritual leaders will say, “Well, these words are interchangeable.” You and I like using the word ‘the divine’ more because it’s more accurate and brings in everlasting life and unlimited potential. But we chose to be here. 

It’s in those moments of unwavering faith and trust in God that we experience the most divine guidance.

We’re actually emanations of the one, or sons and daughters if you want to use these terms, of the one, of the divine herself or himself, my God. Here on this planet at this time when there are enormous challenges going on, we chose to be here during this great shift of the ages that’s happening right now.

Of course, there are so many people who are very challenged right now. It’s because of this separated self, which is how we all grew up. The Newtonian-Darwinian thing is that we’re clearly separated from each other and from viewers and listeners. We’re certainly separated from God. We’re separated from the earth. All these things are just living in this separated self that can feel lonely and weary. All of these things, even today, make me anxious, sometimes depressed, and disempowered.

When a business owner or operator feels this way, they might feel justified or okay with treating the environment as an externality. “I can dump my waste into the river and save some money because I don’t have to pay for that. That’ll be paid for by future generations.” Now, maybe they’re not thinking of it in those terms. Maybe they’re just trying to turn a blind eye to the impact of their decisions. But this illusion of separation keeps us from acting in everyone’s best interest because we don’t see that I’m the left hand and this person I consider an enemy is actually the right hand, and it’s all one body. And I’m cutting off my nose to spite my face sort of situation.

There are so many people who are very challenged right now. It’s because of this separated self, which is how we all grew up.

Exactly right. When we’re doing this, what you described, we’re playing the one-lifetime game. This is the Darwinian-Newtonian thing. We all grew up that way. I certainly grew up that way, “I got one lifetime; I’ll be 5 feet under the end of this life. “

Humanity’s Team is the largest global nonprofit in transformational education. I work with many of the top mediums, near-death experienced people. I work with those people all the time. I will tell you that they all share this panoramic life review where we’re looking down at our body at the end, and we go through other people’s eyes and their senses and feelings as they were around us during our life, which is what we experience. Then the question is asked, “Do we want to do something different in the next life? Is there something you learned from how people felt around you during this lifetime?” Did you and God experience what you wanted to experience here, what we just reviewed?” This remembers the Stephen Covey thing. Begin with the end in mind. That is the end. Don’t take it from me.

We have a lot of free programs, by the way, on the Humanity’s Team website. Look at the programs with the mediums and near-death experience. They’re all sharing the same thing. That is the end. We’re just going from a lifetime to a lifetime, spending time in the afterlife, and we don’t play the one-lifetime game anymore, as you say. 

“I’m going to just make a little more profit. I’ll just dump this stuff over here.” We don’t play that. That’s a kid’s game. We don’t do that anymore. We realize I’m here for the benefit. I’m after what is. I’m going to be harmonious. I’m a steward, a servant. That life review, when it comes, is going to be nice because I’m going to be listening, and I’m going to be loving. I’m in service, right? I’ll make mistakes. Don’t get me wrong, we’re not walking on water. I’m not trying to say that, but I’m doing my best. And that’s what we want to do, just really see the fullness of this picture and where we’re bringing our best each day. That’s what brings the joy and creates the delicious light.

You know what I think about when I’m in a challenging situation, or I’m actually on the opposite side of taking the time to be with my son, who’s four and doing something that I feel really good about, really proud of that I’ve slowed down. I’ve created a magic moment in my son’s life.

I’ll imagine floating from the ceiling, watching this moment playing out in my life review and feeling like, “Wow, this is something I want to treasure and cherish,” or if I’m in a challenging triggered sort of place, how am I going to feel about myself and my actions and how I treated the other person and how they felt when I’m experiencing it from that larger view in my life review. 

We’re just going from a lifetime to a lifetime, spending time in the afterlife and so on, and we don’t play the one-lifetime game anymore.

So you could have 1ft in this world and 1ft in the upper world at the same time, imagining this playing outside of time in your life review and playing in the now as who you are and experiencing the human experience. What I think sets apart the Kabbalists, those who study Kabbalah from the rest of humanity, is that they consciously choose and work on living in both worlds simultaneously at every moment.

These moments of connection, real love with your family, even your coworkers, where you see their specialists, gifts, brilliance, and things, are the best. As you mentioned, too, we talk about things that we grew up with, where you are triggered and things. One of the things that informed me of my son in his first year of school was reading something that was bringing in inclusive spirituality.

There were references to Gandhi and things he committed at a point in his life, such as what he called nonviolence, where he would never work on himself so that he wouldn’t go into triggered states. He’d remained in a connected state. That really moved me when I read that my wife and I adopted two kids at birth.

One of our oldest, our son, has something called Pyroluria, also OCD. He’s quite challenged. I took this to heart when I read this. I thought I would just endeavor to be this way so that nothing would ever go into a triggered state again, if possible. Instead, just look with compassion and understanding because there’s a better way here. I’m not going to say I’ve never gone there since then, but I’ve seen the incredible wisdom of where I can talk to people, whether it’s a family member or in a work environment, and something is challenging going on where I don’t get too triggered. 

I stay in a connected state, and I’m speaking from the heart. Things are so much more powerful, effective, and fulfilling for me and the other person. We call this conscious living in Humanity’s Team. Scientists are affirming all of this. You don’t have to take it from mystics any longer. Just go read popular mechanics and how global consciousness is. Every person is connected to the global consciousness, and you can read about it everywhere. 

The Nobel Prize in Physics was given in October of last year—research around entanglement. Wherever two things are on different sides of the universe, there’s no physical connection at all that is influencing each other. This is now affirmed by science. This is not a new age at all.

Even random number generators can be influenced by human thought.

See the fullness of your life review and where you’re bringing your best each day. That’s what brings the joy and creates the delicious light.

Yeah, there’s this guy from Japan. I forget his name, but he would just heap joy and praise on plants and the opposite on plants. Our environment is incredibly effective. But the energy we bring, even to plants, certainly to people, to life around us.

I know somebody who, for a science experiment, put cooked rice into two different jars for their kids’ science fair. Then they labeled with love, peace, joy, or something like that. The other one is labeled hate or apathy or something. I forget which words, but they found that one with the negative word on the jar had grown this disgusting black mold. It was absolutely disgusting. The whole thing was really black inside. And the other jar of rice looked like you could still eat it a month later.

It really is true. There’s an article Popular Mechanics just published, and it says, from what they can see, it’s eternal. What we’re now emitting out into the nanosphere or the collective, it’s out there forever. It’s huge. Where people are near you, in your home or work environment, in your community, when you’re out and about, there’s a huge impact, and it can be positive or negative. Of course, this whole conscious living thing is that we understand we’re energetic beings here, so we’re setting that vibration very high. Where it’s set very high, you actually become a healer or an alchemist.

But on the flip side, if you allow yourself to get triggered, to become envious or even hateful, heaven forbid, then you’re actually planting negative seeds and even driving negative energy toward that person you’re thinking about. There’s a concept in Judaism called lashon hara, which translates as evil speech. When you talk badly about somebody who’s truthful, you’re gossiping behind their back. You’re actually sending negative energy their way. 

There’s another concept in Judaism and other religions, too, but I think it’s more just a universal law, and it’s called the evil eye. The evil eye is where you envy or are jealous of some person and their wealth, their relationship, or whatever they have that you want. Then you send more negative energy their way, which could make them sick or cause them to lose their home, business or spouse. 

Every person is connected to the global consciousness.

You have to be very, very careful with your thought hygiene. Keep it clean. Keep it pristine so that you don’t do harm. The Hippocrates oath of do no harm applies to your emotional, mental, and spiritual state. Be pure of heart and mind, and then you can operate from a place of service and not do harm at the same time.

Exactly. The thing is, nobody I know, certainly not me, grew up with any of this understanding. It was more sort of the alpha male pounding their chest, yelling across through. My father used to yell across the room, and a policeman told him, “Don’t park here.” That was kind of considered macho. Many of us grew up this way with this understanding of walking around in your macho, and this whole Newtonian-Darwinian separated self pound your chest was the way to grow up. 

There’s a lot of learning. There’s a lot of process research where you create this new awareness. Science is affirming these things, Stephan, that you’re sharing. I’m sharing that. This is not a new age at all. Now, there’s a science here that’s speaking to all of us. We’re energetic beings. Set a vibration through the way that we live in the world. We create our own delicious life or not.

I don’t think that the person potentially listening will be moved by the scientific evidence. The divine is about the experience and not so much about being convinced and having the data and evidence. If you have an experience of the creator, of the divine, of being part of the one, let’s say it’s on an ayahuasca journey, or it’s from a breathwork exercise where you do the hyperventilating type. I forgot what the dragon’s breath, or whatever it’s called. 

Resistance to God leads to unhappiness; partnership with God creates fulfillment. Share on X

Or you just simply, like I did, got touched on the head by a monk, given a blessing, and then everything was in technicolor, like an LSD trip. I’ve never done any drugs, but that was absolutely a trip. I got to experience God in that moment and changed everything. That was in 2012. I went from agnostic to connected, and all the miracles started overflowing in my life. It was incredible.

Wow, that’s a beautiful story. As you mentioned, it’s really this whole conscious journey. It starts and ends. This flow is one of the terms I’d put around it. You’re just warmed by the light of the divine, by the love of the divine, all day long. Yes, in your daily practice, but from the time you wake up on the pillow because, again, we’re a part of the one. I mean, you’re an emanation, a son or daughter. Why would we not be loved to the end of the earth with every hair on our head? 

It’s there because of the way most of us grew up. We kind of put a raincoat on. We don’t let those rays through that light of the divine. We don’t experience that. We don’t allow ourselves to feel it. But if we can, through a little research and a little raising of our awareness, move that raincoat over and start receiving it, be warmed by the light of the divine, and become an expression, this flow state is where we’re saying, “I want to be an expression of this beautiful energy of you, God. Work through me in my life. Just work through me. Let me be love’s expression, your arms, legs and lungs for you.” 

When you’re out and about, there’s a huge impact, and it can be positive or negative.

Also, in business, we’ve been keeping this on a very personal level, but from Silicon Valley and now in the Humanity’s Team. Where you want to take this in a business direction, and you want to create a conscious business with a conscious culture. Those are the things we’re talking about. Watch what the community and your customers are going to want to do with you. There’s a tremendous opportunity in business.

Speaking of which, one of my previous guests shared with me something so destiny-changing that relates to business that I want to resurface here with my listener and share with you, and that is making God your business partner. Kurtis Lee Thomas explained how his previous business partner moved on and did other things, but he reconnected with the guy at some point, and his life was going amazing. His business was going amazing. 

He asked, “What’s your secret?” The guy answered, “God’s my business partner.” That just blew Kurtis away. He’s like, “Wow, that feels really important. I need to do this, too. Tell me how you did it.” And he did. It’s pretty simple. You just ask God to be your business partner, and then you wait for the yes because, really, we’re just stewards of his business anyway. We just have our ego get in the way, thinking that this is ours. None of it’s ours. Not even our body is ours. We’re renting it from the creator.

If we’re just a steward, and this is God’s business, then the game changes completely. Of course, you still have to do something. You can’t just sit on the couch and wait for the checks. But it takes much of the pressure off and facilitates the miracles. What are your thoughts on that?

We’re energetic beings who set a vibration through the way that we live in the world.

Absolutely. What I’ve experienced relates to this, where God is our business partner first. What’s interesting is that a lot of people will say, “Oh, boy, that sounds scary. I’m not sure where that’s going to take me. I have a wife. I have kids. I’m not sure what will happen to me if I make God my business partner.” But see, here’s the thing. God as your business partner just means that you’re going to listen better, you’re going to be more truthful, you’re going to be more loving, and you’re going to be more in service now. And we can keep going. 

Blessed are all these descriptive phrases that are beautiful phrases. Now, what do you think about whether employees want to work for somebody like that? Do customers want to come to a business like that? The vendors who are treated terribly often want to work with companies like that. Yes, with exclamation marks.

Well, for the right fit, yes. But there are those who choose to be in the lower vibrations, and those aren’t a fit for us anyway. Having a customer who chooses to be in a low vibration, say, disconnected from God and their environment and family and whatever, and is a cantankerous person, I don’t want that person in my business as a customer, vendor or employee. That actually works out.

I grew up as a middle kid. There were seven siblings. Middle ones just listen well. The youngest and oldest are the ones patting the table and sort of hogging the conversation. I had a divorced mom who was working full time, raising seven kids, and having a little home that was 1,200 square feet. I came out of a little place like that. How did I land where I’m the CEO and chairman of these companies that have grown to 75 million quite rapidly? It was through this process. 

We are all emanations of divine energy.

The term conscious business wasn’t around really there so much in the 90s, but I was listening to that still small voice. I threw away my day planner as one story in this in the middle 90s because I was very transactional before then where I’d say, “Okay, today I’m talking to so and so. These are the ten things I’m going to repeat.” Very transactional, all one-way communication as a CEO. 

I was going through my awakening experience, and I said, “This is really not an integrity to my spirituality at all.” Where it’s one way, check it off the list. I threw my day planner away. I’m not telling people who appear to do that, by the way. I’m not sure everybody has the same problem I had, but I threw it away, and I was like, “Oh my God, I might crash this company. I’ve got to find another way through each day.” Amazingly, we had grown quite nicely before then. 

We really hit the hyperbolic growth because what I was, my objective in throwing it away was just to be more heart-centered, to listen a little better and then speak to two-way communication at this whole love, integrity, and service, all these things. You don’t even have to use spiritual terms. But where you’re doing these things, people notice. I did have some come to me and say, “Have you turned into some kind of a monk?” Or, “You know, which is good, fine, call me that. That’ll work.” 

God as your business partner means you’re going to listen better, be more truthful, be more loving, and be more in service.

But customers and employees, the ones we wanted to attract and the kind of business we wanted to run, took off. That was one of the markers where we grew even more rapidly just simply by me throwing out my time management system.

Okay, I’m going to give you a little bit of feedback. I’m a little nervous to share this, but I’m being nudged from above to do this. I’ve heard you say a number of times in this interview, “Oh, my God.” I will share a story about this, and then I want to hear your take on it. I was told probably two years ago by angels guides, my unseen support team, not to say this word or phrase anymore. That it was disrespectful. I stopped, and I went full six months without uttering that phrase.

Then, I’m at an event called PodFest, a podcaster’s conference—this guy who speaks to angels and has a podcast himself and does readings and things like that. Great guy. His name is Seph. He and I were sitting down, and my wife, Orion, who you met at the Maverick event, was there, too. We’re chatting about something, and he says that phrase and says it a couple of times, and I’m being nudged. “Please bring it to his attention that this is not an ideal thing for him to say and that it’s disrespectful.”

“Okay, I’ll do it.” But in the process of saying it, I actually used the phrase. Now, I was very careful this time to spell out the last word in the three-word phrase because I didn’t want to utter it just to explain what I was talking about. I’m getting nudged to share this with you. I’ve only shared this with a few people. So now I’m publicly sharing the story on this platform. I got nudged only a couple of times, so I’m being nudged now with you. 

As soon as I said the phrase to Seph, my right ear started ringing, and I knew that angels speak to or communicate with us in many ways. Angel numbers are one, and ringing of the ears is one as well. I’ve had them ring my ears before to get my attention. But this was so clear and obvious. You couldn’t get more obvious the very second I finished uttering that phrase when I was explaining myself. I’m saying, “Don’t say it. Beep.” My right ear starts ringing, and it won’t go away. A minute or two go by, and I’m like, “Oh, I really should apologize.” So, I apologized in my head to the creator.

It immediately stopped. This was full-on tinnitus-style ringing of the ear. I had tinnitus back in 2009 for a couple of years, and finally, it went away. I got hearing tests, brain scans, and all that. None of that helped. It just went away on its own eventually. That was quite an experience, and it underlined for me the importance of not saying that phrase because I believe it is disrespectful to the creator. It’s like one of the commandments: don’t use the Lord’s name in vain.

Now, this might sound really extreme to the listener. Like, “What? Get off your high horse, Stephan,” or whatever, but I’m being nudged to share it. I was going to share it with you offline after the recording. And then they’re saying, “No, share it on the episode.” So here I am. What are your thoughts about that?

A New Universal Dream by Steve Farrell

I’ll meditate on that. It’s funny because, even with Neale and others that I will use, it’s not an oh, my God, it’s more of a God damn, but in joke context. I was the one who stepped in and said, “I don’t think I would ever want to use that term.” Then they’ll say, “Well, no, this was a casual joke.” 

I think you were spot on with that and saying, “Hey, maybe we should rethink that.” When you look quite literally at what it means, it is a curse. That particular two-word phrase is a curse, and curses are the reverse or the opposite of a blessing. You’re sending a negative blessing or a negative prayer. I think you’re spot on with that. I think even in a joking context, there is a vibration to each word, and I’d say each phrase as well. 

You are conversing in words, but those are being converted into vibrations because that’s a real core base language that speaks through vibration. That’s how we communicate telepathically. If we can do that, some of us have that ability. That’s how the universe works through vibration and communication. We have to be really mindful about our word choices and the vibrations that those represent. Even if we say it in a joking manner, that can be mistranslated into something we really don’t want to convey vibrationally. 

I forget what the research says about this, but generally, or kind of anecdotally, I understand that our subconscious does not really understand jokes. So we say something derogatory about ourselves, self-effacing, and our subconscious takes it as truth, but we’re being self-deprecating and think we’re being funny, but then we’re giving our subconscious or unconscious embedded commands. It’s not good. I have to be careful.

Yeah. I think, for me, the key thing here is what’s really all about love. It’s about letting God’s love in and then loving God back. We haven’t brought that one in. That’s where the magic is. If you let that love in and really receive it, and then you love God back genuinely, you’re not pushing yourself. You’re just like, “Oh, my God, thank you for this life. Thank you for these blessings.” 

Let God’s love in, and then love God back.

Once that reciprocal thing gets going, you then say, “Look, your will is my will. Work through me.” That’s where the miracles of magic really get going. We’ve all experienced them on some level, but where our life becomes that, where we really love God deeply, feel God’s love, and become an expression of God’s love, we’re actually going to do that in a little different way. But where it’s done purely. That is just to bring this back to today’s world. This is the thing. 

What we share in Humanity’s Team is there’s a remedy right here, right now, for all these individual and collective challenges. We got wars in the world and extreme weather and polarity, and then people, the loneliness, anxiety, all these things. This remedy is what we’re talking about. Years ago, people would have heard this conversation and said, “This is interesting. It sounds a little new age. Not sure of the relevance.” This is just me, but there’s nothing more relevant, more important, more urgent right now than what we’re talking about. This is where we embrace these understandings and live into them. Oh, my goodness. The delicious life we create.

It’s eminently practical. I love that it’s practical.

This is really our nonprofit Humanity’s Team, we’re a 501(c)(3), and we’re an educational nonprofit. We’ve come back to raising awareness, education, research, and other things because we didn’t grow up with these understandings. We’ve reached out to Michael Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, and all the spiritual leaders, the scientists, the embodied practices where we’re breathing and doing yoga and qigong, and these things that are really gorgeous in terms of how we move our body and breathe in our body with these understandings. 

We now have over 175 master classes and transformational education programs on a streaming platform for your Apple iPhone, your Roku, every Google, all the services, and all the devices. Now, we’re translating into 75 languages. We just dropped the price. It’s now $299 a year, $29.99 a month, or we give it away. 

There’s a one-for-one. When a paid subscription generates a free subscription for somebody in the world who can’t afford it, there’s outside of the US that’s still not very economical. Because our whole dream, our north star, is what we’re talking about, imagine we’re in every home. You’ve got this spiritual understanding, and you’re living into it. You’re taking it into your business. Make God my partner. I mean, wow. Now imagine a world like that. That’s what gets us excited.

One of the things I look at every day is as part of my morning ritual. The morning routine is a sheet that has my vision statement on it, my vision for the world. And that is a world where everyone cleaves to the creator. Cleave, as in like, attaches themselves and aspires to be connected to the creator.

We really heal that separated self thing that we all grew up with because that’s the source of pain, where we feel separate from each other, the earth, and God. It’s a painful place to live. Almost all of us grew up this way. How do we get from there to here becomes the question. This is why we created so many different programs with so many different leaders. You know, Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God spoke to me. That’s what took me there.

Conscious living is supported by scientific ideas like entanglement and global consciousness. We’re all connected! Share on X

But for others, it’s Michael Bernard Beckwith. Or it’s Panache Desai, one of the many other leaders, scientists, or Ken Wilber in philosophy or something. There are many different paths to this on high, and we’re saying, “Well, listen to some of these leaders. We have all these free programs everywhere. Listen to some of them and see if somebody speaks to you and walks you into this way of living that you and I are discussing.”

Amazing. One thing you said about loving God back, and I want to point out, I think it’s really important, that was a big leap forward for me, is having gratitude for not just the obvious blessings, in other words, the revealed blessings, but also the unrevealed blessings, those things that look like challenges or difficulties or curses even. So, loving God back for the challenges, too, will elevate the relationship to another level. 

I write in my God journal, a gratitude journal to God. I write to him in those pages every day, asking him for messages, more guidance, humility, wisdom, certainty, faith, trust, and more. I write down all the things I’m grateful for, especially challenges, and I reflect on that and see how this challenge is for which I’m grateful. How am I truly grateful for it, or am I just kind of mouthing it? To be truly grateful, I need to accept that there’s a bigger picture here.

There’s a perspective where it actually fits into the bigger plan, and it is absolutely for my highest and best good. It’s hard to see that looking forward. It’s a lot easier to see it looking backward. Connecting the dots backward is not too difficult compared to looking forward.

I’m with you. They’re my journey in life. I’m 66, so there were many moments when I was about to take a direction in my life that really was not going to work for me. There were miracles that happened. I call it my GPS, my God-protection system.

I like that.

It’s our endeavor to be an expression of God’s highest love and service, and miracles that will propel us to our highest and grandest good in life do happen.

Miracles that happen—I pray in gratitude for those things all the time. “Thank you, God. Oh, my goodness.” These things that happened helped to sort of like on a highway where you’ve got these, such as the fencing along the highway to ensure that you don’t fall off a cliff or something that steers you right back onto the highway. It’s our endeavor to be an expression of God’s highest love and service, and the miracles that will propel you to your highest and grandest good in life do happen. 

It’s a natural thing for me to love God. I don’t want to go down rabbit holes here, but early in my marriage, my wife said, “You know, with you and God, I don’t sometimes know where I fit because I was talking so much about my love of guys.” “No, I love you dearly. You’re my wife,” and she’s “Okay. Well, I had to work on that.”

Yeah. Bring it to my home. That’s an important point. I need to nurture my relationship with my wife to make her feel like she’s number one. Because if she feels like she’s number two, even if it’s to the creator, that still feels kind of not great for the spouse to feel number two.

Right. Fortunately, with all these years, you get practiced at these things. This means that if I showed you my text, “Love you, love you, love you,” from my wife, my kids, me, and even co-workers, we would put hearts in our Skype window all day. It’s our culture. You get a little better at these things that issue with time as you kind of grow into higher possibilities.

Well, time and practice, right? Not just time by itself. Like, you have an intention, and then you build the muscle.

The way I describe it now is before, in my more unconscious days, it was like a roller coaster. Some days of, “Man, this is a bad day.” On other days, “This is a good day.” A lot of times, it was a sugar high, but it was a bad day. It was a good day, kind of up and down, with a roller coaster all over the place. Now it’s more like I’m on a raft. I’m kind of floating above that and understand I’m not saying I don’t have challenges. 

I mentioned I have a son with a serious condition, and we’re even doing family therapy to help him live an independent life. It’s not like I don’t have challenges because I do. But I approach my whole day and my whole life, I’m more like on a raft, floating above that roller coaster, just knowing I’m right where I’m supposed to be. I’m doing all the things that I want to do. I don’t have those bad days. 

My intention from the time I get up in the morning is to go out like this conversation stuff that we’re happy to, where we can just talk honestly about these things. There’s some value in that because in today’s world, there’s a lot of hurt and challenge, and to the extent that there might be a few tools in the conversation. We want to put those on the table.

Conscious living isn’t just a concept—it’s a movement.

Yeah, absolutely. Is there a particular miracle or seemingly chance occurrence or awakening event that you want to highlight for our listener that will really make their jaw drop and make them feel some awe for how miraculous this reality, this physical realm, and how guided we are?

So there are many of them. I’ll share one. It was the big one where back in the 90s when I was going through the awakening experience. I’m like, “Oh, my God. I’m a child of the most high. Holy cow.” It does say, of course, in the good book, we’re made in the likeness and image, but most of us give about five minutes of thought to that on a Sunday. But I was going through an awakening experience, largely because of the Conversations with God series. Now it’s true I’m actually a son or an emanation of the highest. 

There was that moment when I lived in a townhouse in Marin County in northern California, where I sat with these two truths, the truths I grew up with. I’m Joe and Linda’s son, and I’m in this body talking to Steve Farrell. It’s this body. That’s who Steve Ferrell is. It’ll be alive for some number of years. Then there was this other truth with which I’d been doing my homework. My parents just delivered me to the earth. They were like the airport terminal. But I actually came from the most high. I’m a part of the most high. That means this is one of many lives, and I have unlimited potential and all of these things. And I said, “I just can’t kind of have 1ft in these two realities. They’re just too different. What is true for me?” I decided to say, “Okay, the second one was true.”

That became the floor upon which I based my life. My whole life changed dramatically, some would say. Part of this was leaving Silicon Valley. Because of my success in business, I was invited into those business clubs where, like the governor of California, Gavin Newsom, was in my little 60-person chapter. Other people like him. You know, the guy that runs the largest rate of real estate equity trust in the whole world, who’s a dear, still a friend. I said goodbye to all of them.

“Goodbye. I’m leaving Silicon Valley, and I’m not doing business anymore. I’m going to start a nonprofit,” which people, by the way, thought I had lost my mind about. But that decision is what propelled me to this discussion we’re having now. The way I live my life now, the work I’m doing, and where people write now. These programs were transformative for me. My whole life has changed. They’re from all these different parts of the world; it makes my heart sing. That would be an amazing moment in my life.

Amazing. Earlier in this conversation, you said a phrase that I want to circle back to, which is “Spirit leads me.” Maybe we said it, or you said it offline before the conversation started in the podcast episode, but I wrote that down and want to circle back to that at some point in the episode. How does the spirit, or the creator God, lead you on a daily basis? Do you have conversations with God every day where you hear what he says in your mind? Does it come as synchronicities or signs? Does it come through? Just some sort of physical sensations or as visions or as downloads? How do you receive this guidance?

The longer we’re on this journey that we’re describing, Stephan, you and I, what I’ve found is, the more clear and constant is that guidance through all of the above, pictures, thoughts that drop into your head, experiences, music, prayers that were guided to develop and to become a part of my daily practice. All of these things, of course, are the highest thoughts, right? It’s the grandest good. It’s the most loving thing. It’s always that I’ll share one thing that still blows me away. 

Almost two years ago, Neale and I started an initiative, Changing Humanity’s Future, about making conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040. That’s only 16 years from now. As we were getting ready to launch it, I was going to be using God’s name all the time so that we could become close to God and this. And God was all over this initiative.

One morning, as we were getting ready to launch, I fell to the floor of my shower with the water going on, and I prayed like I’d never prayed, “If you give me a sign, God, that I am to use your name in this initiative. Even though this is Neale and his Conversations with God and all of that, I don’t want to just go out in the world and throw your name around unless I know with positive certainty that I’m supposed to do that.” It was one of the most heartfelt prayers I’ve ever prayed in my life. Now, do you know what happened? I just let it go. 

After my prayer, the next day, I came down my stairwell and looked out. We’ve got windows that look out over Boulder. There was this bright white bird that was flying up toward it. They don’t really have white birds here in Boulder. I thought, “What in the world is that?” So I went outside, stood in the sideyard, looked up, and right at the apex of the roof, a perfectly white dove had landed. It was just looking down on me. I went, “Oh, my God.” I went inside, grabbed my wife, and said, “Stephanie, there’s a perfectly white dove sitting right on the apex of the room. He’s just sitting there looking at me. He’s not flying away.” 

She took a video of the dove. It sat there for 30 minutes, would not leave, and just looked at me for 30 minutes. I didn’t need another sign after that. It was like, “Okay, thank you. I’ve got my sign. I’m going out in the world with this initiative and will give it everything I have.” Those kinds of things will happen, too. That’s very unusual. That’s only happened once in my whole life. But it’s more often what I talked about earlier, a prayer I was inspired to develop. 

I was looking at nature. I get signs all the time because this is really what I’ve got. I’ve told God, “Look, with all the pain in the world, if there’s anything I can do here with my Humanity’s Team friends, creating education, doing programs like this with you, Stephan, bring them on. Take me into these things. Use me.”

That’s beautiful. I think it underlines the importance of talking to God and talking about God with a respectful name. I’m not just calling it the quantum field, the universe, or whatever you want. It doesn’t feel sacred and reverent to tack on that thing or whatever you like. You can call it the great spaghetti monster in the sky or whatever. I feel cringy when I hear people say that sort of thing.

And you just missed the best part because, of course, we have Buddhist friends and things. This notion of a personal relationship with God may be a little foreign. But that’s the best part: you feel that love, and you love back, and it’s reciprocal. You’re like, “Use me.” Some people are in pain in this world. We even have family members, all of us. We do. If we can live, express, and be in service, that can ease people’s load a little bit. “Oh, my goodness. Why would we not want to do that?” So that personal relationship is the most beautiful thing.

One way to look at it is you’ve got the CEO of the universe or the multiverse; it’s not just this universe, but every universe that exists or ever will exist. He’s the master of all of it, and he has time for his precious son or daughter. The billionaire who runs a huge conglomerate takes time to answer his kid’s call. And that’s the same with God.

Absolutely. Every one of us. We’re all dear, loved sons and daughters. We’re all on an equal plane. My understanding is that there are no plan favorites here ever.

We’re all equally important. It’s very important to recognize that. Don’t elevate somebody’s status, put them on a pedestal, denigrate them or see them as lower than you because we’re all just, as you said, sons and daughters of God or cells of God is another way to think of it. Sparks of God is another way to think of it. 

And one point, I know where we need to wrap up here, but this was another previous guest on the show, Kim White. He differentiated in that episode, the universe and communicating with the universe or praying to the universe and communicating or praying to God and how different they are. The universe is duality. It’s good and bad. It’s good and evil. It’s light and dark. It’s left and right, up and down, all that. It’s duality. You’re getting both sides of the equation when communicating with the universe. But if you communicate with the goddess, he’s all goodness.

Everything that he ever will do for you, ever has done for you and is doing for you now is for your highest and best good. By definition, he only does the very best for you. You can’t see it because, in this video game, we’re so fully immersed in the VR world called reality that we lose sight of who we are. We lose sight of the fact that we’re actually in a movie theater watching our movie, and our movie is called reality, and it feels incredibly real. 

But if you think about how God is optimizing our play in this game every moment so that we get the very best out of every interaction, every experience, and trust, know that that is true, you know, faith. Thus, your relationship with God versus the universe brings miracles, connecting you with the tree of life instead of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. That’s a big difference.

It’s huge. I know we have some viewers and listeners because, in my own family, there are people who are more resistors. We grew up sort of with resistance, trying to control and think out and take our own steps without partnership or collaboration. If we can just practice letting some of that resistance down, we can let God develop this. Just ask the question. Say,  “God, hey, these guys were just listening to Stephan and a guest talk, and I don’t really have this going on. Can you help me develop a relationship like this?” 

Just that simple prayer, and I promise you God will respond. Well, you might even hear it in a song. I’m not sure how it’ll come to you, but God will help guide you into your relationship, such as what we’re describing and especially where we open to it. Just as you mentioned, Stephan, it’s like this warm breeze is blowing us in this direction of our destiny, of our highest good, of our most evolved self, of our bigger self.

We can trust it. My daughter was applying to colleges last year and really wanted to go into drama. She loves the stage. Most of us don’t. She really wanted to go to NYU, which is kind of hard to get into, and applied to schools all across the country and kind of got into a few that were not really perfect fits for her. NYU was the last one to respond, and there was all this nervousness.

We can really trust that the doors are opening for Sophia to her highest good. That’s really what is happening. It’s easier sometimes, too, for the dad than the mom. The mom’s right there with their daughter and stuff. But sure enough, she gets the letter that she’s accepted and is in this. They have these different schools for drama there, twelve of them and all, and got into this amazing school for drama. She just loves her cohort and is having the most amazing time. It all just fell into place.

I believe that was that warm wind. That’s one small example I think we all can feel and think into our own examples of this. If we just build that relationship trust and endeavor to do our best, then the wind can even get stronger and more supportive. Because, again, one of the things God gives us is free will, right? Where we can even say, “Well, I want to have resistance, and I don’t want to ever let God in.” 

And unfortunately, we lock ourselves out when we use free will that way. Even if it can become twisted, free will can actually work in reverse for us, creating a not-very-happy life. But that’s not what this show is about. It’s not what the conversation’s about. We’re about, “Hey, let’s create a delicious life.” I think we certainly talked about that to some extent here.

Yes. Thank you for all you do in the world and all the light you reveal. Thank you for being so transparent, vulnerable, and honest with our listeners and me today. Thank you.

Yeah, thanks so much for having me. I really appreciate it.

Thank you, listener. We appreciate you being on this journey with us. We’ll catch you in the next episode. I’m your host, Stephan Spencer, signing off.

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  • Communicate with God or the universe respectfully to enhance my spiritual connection. This sets a tone of reverence, deepening my personal relationship with the divine.
  • Practice positive thinking to avoid negative consequences, avoiding the evil eye. My thoughts impact my environment. 
  • Avoid using phrases that can act as subconscious curses, even in jest, to maintain a positive mental and emotional state because words carry vibrational impact.
  • Maintain a God journal to express gratitude and seek guidance. This simple practice can steer me through challenges and align me with divine provision.
  • Strive for conscious living by integrating love and spirituality in every aspect of my life. This creates a nurturing environment in personal and professional settings.
  • Consider making God my business partner. This shift in perspective can foster truthfulness and service-oriented practices and ultimately attract aligned employees and customers.
  • Listen to my intuitive “God protection system.” This inner voice can provide guidance and reassurance, steering me towards my highest good.
  • Recognize moments of spiritual awakening as opportunities to align with higher values. These can lead to profound life changes and a more fulfilled existence.
  • Create a culture that prioritizes expressing love and gratitude frequently. This practice can transform relationships and foster a more supportive community.
  • Participate in Humanity’s Team initiatives, the non-profit organization co-founded by Steve Farrell. They frequently offer webinars, workshops, and events aimed at promoting spiritual awareness and conscious living.

About the Host


Since coming into his own power and having a life-changing spiritual awakening, Stephan is on a mission. He is devoted to curiosity, reason, wonder, and most importantly, a connection with God and the unseen world. He has one agenda: revealing light in everything he does. A self-proclaimed geek who went on to pioneer the world of SEO and make a name for himself in the top echelons of marketing circles, Stephan’s journey has taken him from one of career ambition to soul searching and spiritual awakening.

Stephan has created and sold businesses, gone on spiritual quests, and explored the world with Tony Robbins as a part of Tony’s “Platinum Partnership.” He went through a radical personal transformation – from an introverted outlier to a leader in business and personal development.

About the Guest

Steve Farrell

From the pinnacle of Silicon Valley success as co-founder of two high-tech firms, Steve Farrell pivoted to lead Humanity’s Team, a global nonprofit helping people everywhere awaken to our interconnectedness. He details his journey from the American Dream to conscious leadership in his new book, “A New Universal Dream.” Steve and Humanity’s Team offers educational programs in business, science, spirituality, creativity, relationships, healing, and conscious living through multiple platforms, including their Humanity Stream+ streaming service.


The medical, fitness, psychological, mindset, lifestyle, and nutritional information provided on this website and through any materials, downloads, videos, webinars, podcasts, or emails is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/fitness/nutritional advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Always seek the help of your physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, certified trainer, or dietitian with any questions regarding starting any new programs or treatments, or stopping any current programs or treatments. This website is for information purposes only, and the creators and editors, including Stephan Spencer, accept no liability for any injury or illness arising out of the use of the material contained herein, and make no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the contents of this website and affiliated materials.


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