In this Episode
- [00:19]Stephan introduces today’s guest, Serena Poon, a nutritional energy practitioner who uses her expertise as a celebrity chef, holistic nutritionist, and Reiki Master to serve her A-list clientele, from the likes of Jerry Bruckheimer to Kerry Washington.
- [02:01]Serena shares about her previous health issues and how they mainly influenced her passion for health and nutrition.
- [07:13]Stephan asks Serena to recall her experience of being rescued by angels.
- [15:33]The process of noticing, acknowledging and appreciating moments
- [15:49]Serena gives details about Culinary Alchemy and the technique in shifts of gratitude.
- [20:46]Stephan and Serena exchanged their thoughts about being grateful for things not going your way and realizing challenging periods as layered gifts.
- [25:09]The most essential possession of this lifetime is our body that needs to be appreciated and treated well.
- [32:15]Stephan inquires about the modalities of Serena’s holistic biohacking routine.
- [35:50]Serena expounds on Transcendental Meditation which is suitable for beginners.
- [37:37]Visit Serena’s website to get more recipes, products, courses, and more wonderful wisdom that can boost health and well-being.
Serena, it’s so great to have you on the show.
Stephan, thank you so much for having me. It’s always so fun to chat with you. I’m excited to be here today.
I’m excited to have you. Thank you for having me on your show on Instagram Live. That was a lot of fun. It’s actually the first time I went live on Instagram. I’m embarrassed to say.
Let’s talk about you, though. How did you get started down this path of nutrition, Reiki, healing, and all that? There’s an origin story there and I’d love for you to share it.
Yes, thank you so much for asking. I give credit and just my passion. There’s still such a driving force to everything that I do and that’s my parents. When I was still a senior in college, my daddy was diagnosed with liver cancer. He was already stage four at that point of the diagnosis. It’s something that his grandpa had. He was aware that he had a huge genetic marker for it.
He was happy, but for some reason, even though he was keeping track of it through his adult life between two six-month checkups, he went from fine to stage four. Just having experienced his journey with that. He did Chinese medicine so he had the teas, but he also obviously had chemoradiation as well. I had such an awareness then that we weren’t using food, plants, and herbs where it was just medicine.
We approached it, he obviously had traditional modalities. He had chemoradiation and also Chinese teas. He had traditional Chinese medicine as well. We lost him after a little over a year, but that was already longer than what his original prognosis was. Then two months after he passed, our mom was diagnosed with cancer.
I wanted to understand how we could use food as medicine and understand that there were different ways.
They’re both in their 40s. My dad was 48 when he passed, my mom was 45 when she was diagnosed. That just completely changed the trajectory of what I thought I was going to do with my life. I thought I was going to go to law school. I’ve always had a love for food and nutrition when I was in college just because I love to eat.
Having gone through that experience watching and witnessing what my parents went through, I just started to dive into plants and herbs. That’s why I went to culinary school. I wanted to understand how we could use food as medicine and understanding that there were different ways.
Then through my own journey, I had some of my own health issues because I had such high levels of inflammation from that stress and becoming the caretaker after that. At a very early age, I ended up having to have surgery myself to remove some damaged tissue from that surgery. I got MRSA, which is a deadly staph infection. Then I went through this journey of multiple surgeries myself to get rid of it. After my fourth surgery, I had a massive hematoma and I almost passed. I don’t want to say I almost passed, but I lost so much blood. It got to a really scary place.
My healing journey for myself at that point where I’d lost so much blood, I had almost died, I was pretty much rescued by angels. From that point forward, I really started to dive into spirituality. It was something I would say I dabbled in before that. I had a call every once in a while when I felt like it’s a 911 situation and I need a healer or I need someone who can understand the energy.
I spoke with a few people, but when I was in my recovery phase, that surgery and then to the one that was immediately after 5 ½ weeks later, I just made a practice of speaking with Noelle. She’s a master healer in Santa Fe. Through my journey with her, culinary alchemy came to be because I started to understand energy and the energy centers. She spoke in a different way. She didn’t speak in chakras. It was her own method, but she talked about releases, blocks, and flow.

After about eight, nine months working with her through my healing process, she said, “Oh, you’re ready.” She wanted me to go out to stay with her in Santa Fe so that she could teach me everything that she did, which of course at the time, I didn’t think I was ready for at all because I felt like, you’re my master, you’re my person. I can’t do what you do. But she gave me a book to read in preparation, Hands-on Healing.
I remember doing some of the exercises in this book. It was late at night one night and I could feel the energy. I could feel the energy and the shift. When that happened, that was when the next morning, I called her and I said, “Yes, I’ll come.” A couple of months later, I went to stay with her.
That is how Reiki came into my practice. It was really straightforward—nutrition and food. That’s when I brought in the energy work, Reiki, and how culinary alchemy birthed itself.
Wow. You said a few minutes ago that you were essentially rescued by angels. I’m curious, why do you say that? What did you experience there? Did you see, hear, feel, know something extrasensory or otherworldly?
No, I feel like I have made that realization upon reflection. Because at the time, what happened was it was 12 days post-op and I had a tear internally that was, I think, a small tear from a stitch inside that had been bleeding because there was so much blood that was coming out in the drains. But we weren’t aware and sometimes it’s normal to have a little bit of bleeding post-op.
That tear, it widened. It ripped open. I’m about to eat on that day, that morning—it was Saturday—and I started to bleed. It was a combination of I’m bleeding so much. The blood has nowhere to go. It’s bleeding internally so your skin is stretching and it was very, very painful. I lost about two liters of blood, probably in total. So my hemoglobin had dropped.
I feel like I have made that realization upon reflection.
I had called a client because my doctor wasn’t returning my calls. No on calls or the pages from the call center. It was a Saturday, I was alone, and I called a client who happened to know the medical director at Cedars who took the call on a Saturday and happened to take the call on a Saturday, who happened to have a trauma center 10 blocks from my house in Santa Monica. That trauma center had an OR. It’s a small office but has an OR.
Called his team who came in. His anesthesia called this OR team who happened to come in without question. The OR wasn’t prepped. There was no blood that was there for me for them to transfuse me with, but he made the decision. He didn’t know who I am, yet made the decision to save me that day. I went in, opened me up, found the bleed, stopped the bleeding, and then sewed me back up so that I could start the healing process.
When I say I was rescued by angels, it was almost a realization that I made, I can’t even say after that happened. It took years and layers of awareness. My own growth—personal growth, spiritual growth—my own levels of consciousness elevating for me to realize that there’s so much divinity in every moment that day. Everything had to be in alignment. I have clients that I could call and say I need help who happened to call.
Every moment was guided in order for that to happen. When I realized that, I also realized that every single moment is divine. My conversation with you right now is divine. There’s so much divinity in every moment. That’s what I mean when I say I was rescued by angels because I believe that I was. Whether there’s that or someone else, everything had to work in perfect alignment for me to be here today.
In every challenging moment, there's always the lesson, the gift, the miracle. Share on XThat makes sense. Synchronicities are divine intervention. We often don’t notice it or give it credit. But these seemingly chance occurrences where that client was able to talk to you at that moment and happened to have a center that they could utilize 10 blocks away instead of 1000 miles away, it’s just all divinely orchestrated. There’s nothing random.
No, there isn’t. As you said, we don’t often realize or really give credit to. I think that’s the beauty in moments like that. I think that’s the beauty in reflecting on our challenges. Whether you can do it when you’re in it or you’re doing it with hindsight and after is that when you go back and you look and you uncover all the layers, you’re able to see the miracles. You’re able to see how those synchronicities were all by design.
When you realize those challenging moments in life, or sometimes they’re more than a moment. We’re going through this pandemic right now, which is so challenging for so many people, you’re able to see the miracles and you’re able to see how it’s all by design. When you’re able to see that, you can pull so much grace and so much knowledge, and actually purpose from it.
I believe this is contagious too. Just like the virus is contagious, awakening is contagious. I went 42 years without even believing in God. Then I had a powerful awakening experience in India. That was in 2012 and then all these miracles started happening, things that you couldn’t explain or seem impossible.
Every single moment is divine.
Then just this January, I had another awakening. That final or most recent chapter is where I finally saw that I had divine intervention, saved my life when I was in my early 20s, and walked away from a car crash that totaled my car and I didn’t get a scratch. I just thought, wow, that was lucky or boy, I guess, I don’t know. But then you see that after getting this new awareness, that wow, they really did intervene.
I mean, that’s the thing, it happened when you’re in your 20s. There’s no such thing as too late or too early in my mind. It’s exactly when you’re meant to have that awareness, make that connection, and see that, and that’s when you were supposed to. It’s exactly what you said. It’s 20 years later, you’re looking back and you realize, wow, that was absolutely divine intervention. That was an experience you were supposed to have to get to where you are right now. It’s such a beautiful thing.
I feel that the awakenings keep coming. I had that moment and then I’ve definitely had a couple since then that just shifts me. So I feel like when these moments happen, you make that choice. They can level you up, they can shift you into your higher state of consciousness, or it’s almost like—I don’t know if I want to use the word ‘test,’ but it’s like a test from the universe. Where are you at? Do you stay where you’re at? Some people shift back into a place where they’re still healing and unwinding to do, unraveling to do, or you can level up.
I just interviewed Howard Getson yesterday. He’s an AI hedge fund manager guy. I didn’t know what to expect in terms of the conversation, but we went spiritual on that one. He used the term I really like, which was, he had a ‘matrix moment.’ That comes to mind when you were describing these points in time where it shakes you awake and then you could either go to the next level or you could essentially fall back asleep.
I feel that the awakenings keep coming. They can level you up. They can shift you into your higher state of consciousness.
Exactly. I feel that it’s constantly being delivered to us, even in small ways. Again, sometimes when we’re not present and we’re not in that place of awareness, we’re missing. Some people think that the shifts come in these big traumatic moments or moments that are jolting to you. That can happen, but sometimes those shifts come in small instances as well. It’s just about taking notice.
Yeah. Part one in this process, I think, is noticing, and acknowledging is after that. Then after that comes the appreciation for it. It’s hard to appreciate something you don’t even notice.
I think that’s why with Culinary Alchemy, I’m using food and supplements almost like it’s the vehicle. It’s intangible because people so often do need a tangible, something that they can really associate with. One of the practices that I do, and that I share with my community and teach, is that it’s a little shift to your gratitude practice.
If you already have one, whether or not you’re journaling in the morning or in the evening, or you’re just going through it in your head or you say it out loud, it’s just taking that. You don’t have to have a list of 10 things. It could just be one, two, or three things, but sitting with one or two of them, just one at a time, and sitting with it until you actually feel almost like a visceral response.
If you’re thinking about your partner, your child, your furbaby, or whatever it is—I use food because food connects to different senses that people can relate to. Even if it’s your favorite dessert that your mom used to make or that your grandma used to make, just focus on that and connect to that with so much gratitude and appreciation how you feel about that person, that object, that place, or whatever it is, until you get almost a visceral response. You can smell that person, you can feel their warmth, you can think of that desert, and you can literally taste it. You can smell it, you can taste it.
When you feel that level of gratitude for something, you can sense it, smell it, taste it, and feel it.
That connection with your mind, your body, your emotional body, your energetic body, and your physical body, that’s so powerful. Then what we do is we take that energy. Now you made this connection, you know how that feels. When you’re feeling that level of gratitude for something, you can literally sense it, smell it, taste it, and feel it. Then you take that and you now almost repurpose that energy.
You place that energy back into pretty much anything that you do in a day. But when it comes to food or something that you’re drinking, you can literally sit there with your cup of tea or a cup of coffee. Now you’re going to connect back to that feeling, and you can put that energy back into whatever it is that you’re now going to put back into your body or you’re going to give or feed to your family or someone that you love. That’s so powerful.
It’s just such a simple thing that we can do that comes from that energy of gratitude. It gives you that presence and that perspective. And then now, you can really feel what it is that you’re doing, what it is that you’re eating, even if it’s a cup of water.
That’s really cool. It reminds me of something that I learned yesterday from Kabbalah coach. He talked about the illusion of separation and how it actually is to our benefit to have this illusion here in the physical plane, in this physical reality, and what they refer to in Kabbalah as the Malchut. Because if the light from the higher dimensions didn’t bounce off, and thus the darkness would be here on this plane, then our little lights are we’re doing good, being our best self, and so forth would be drowned out by the massive amount of the light from the higher realms.
The beauty in reflecting on our challenges is seeing how those synchronicities were all by design. Share on XThe darkness is actually an opportunity for us to really shine. Also, for everything around us that has the spark of God in it to shine as well. Not just us, but our pets, our family, the food that we’re eating. If you have a delicious meal and all the flavors are just bursting, it’s got some sweet umami, sour, and all that, all this separation in one dish that you’re eating, it’s just like an explosion of flavors. That happens because of the illusion of separation.
If we were just drowned out by all the amazing light from the upper realms, we wouldn’t be able to distinguish all these different flavors and have the kind of experiences that we have down here. It’s a real gift. It’s an opportunity and it’s something that we also can push against because we’ve got this contrast. In a darkened room, you can notice a match lighting or two or three. As the room gets lighter and lighter, those matches that are lighting are harder to see.
That was literally the example you just took out of my mouth.
I wanted to also talk a bit about being grateful for what you’re not receiving or being grateful for things not going your way, which is a distinction I learned earlier this year, or maybe it was late last year. It was from my sister-in-law. This is a teaching from a particular rabbi. I found it very, very helpful. Just to write down a few things that I’m experiencing or challenges or things that aren’t going my way, to reflect on them, and being truly grateful for them because I know somewhere somehow they’re from my highest best guide.
I might not be able to see it or connect the dots, but I know that that’s the case. Sometimes I do connect the dots. Sometimes it’s clear to me. It wouldn’t have been a year ago, but it’s clear to me now. For example, I lost my iPhone for about five hours—a brand new iPhone. I didn’t have the Find My Phone feature enabled yet and I was getting a little nervous. I’m like, all right. I’m being protected here. I’m fine.

So I didn’t go into a state of panic. But within minutes of me starting to look for it in the Florida heat, I went outside, which I don’t normally do in the middle of the heat of the day. There was a big package of Bulletproof products—supplements and expensive stuff that would have gotten bad probably in the next few hours because it was hot out and it was out in the sun on the porch. That was a gift that was meant to happen. I just know it. I could connect the dots.
I went out there to check to see if the phone was in the car and it wasn’t that, but there was the package. All sorts of times that happen in our lives and we don’t give it credit because we don’t realize it. Again, we don’t notice it, we don’t acknowledge it, and then we don’t show gratitude or appreciation for it.
Yeah. I think that’s exactly what we were talking about earlier, just about looking and realizing that these challenging time periods, moments, or whatever. It has this layered in gifts, and as you said, we’re not looking at it that way. We’re not acknowledging it and we’re not necessarily seeing the gifts or the learnings and lessons in it until we can look at those situations through those lenses. And being grateful, as you say. It’s being equally grateful for those challenges where looking through those lenses, you see so much more.
I would say that I think that health is a big one, especially right now, we’re constantly getting, unfortunately, a lot of reminders about how important your health is. Whether it’s happening to ourselves, people that we love, people that we know, or just what we’re seeing. There’s this constant reminder of how many of us just don’t have a true connection to the gratitude of your health, of your body, and of your physical being.
When you feel that level of gratitude for something, you can sense it, smell it, taste it, and feel it.
Even though we’re souls living in this physical body, we still need to be so grateful for our bodies. They just function for us, often with so little guidance and so little true attention to how we can optimize it, which is why I love what you share what we talked about. And I love this podcast because I think it’s so important to remind people that we really take our physical bodies for granted. We also take our emotional bodies and our energetic bodies for granted as well because we’re not paying attention.
We are not paying attention to the little things that we can do to uplevel, just help, just support those parts of our body, whether it’s the physical or the energetic. I think that is a real place of gratitude just looking through life through those lenses and just having that mindset can really uplevel you without all the biohacking tools and supplements, even though we love all those things. But even without those tools, just shifting how you’re looking at something can literally optimize your physical and energetic body.
Something that I also learned recently that really helps me to see the enormity of this gift of my body. There was this very famous righteous rabbi who lived hundreds of years ago. One of the things that really stuck with me that he did was he talked to his body as something separate from him.
He would tell his body that, okay body, let’s go take a shower or let’s go get some food, which I think brings awareness. It’s like an awareness of your awareness that it brings to the conversation that you’re having with yourself so that you realize that this body is not who I am. It’s something I inhabit.
It’s also an incredible gift that I didn’t earn or deserve, it was gifted to me. What did I do to deserve or earn this physical body that I was born into? I don’t know. I’m sure that I didn’t do enough. Whatever it was, this body, this Earth suit is not something that is just something to be trifled with. It’s not a small gift. It’s huge. It’s one of our biggest responsibilities to care for. It’s not just our Earth suit or temple. It’s our most important possession in this lifetime.
It’s human nature not to have a certain level of awareness or appreciation until something goes wrong.
It is a very precious, precious gift that we have, and sometimes those reminders don’t come until something doesn’t work right. Maybe that’s human nature to not have a certain level of awareness or appreciation until something goes wrong. We do the minimal. Most of us do the minimal. We wake up, we’re alive or breathing, and our bodies know what to do.
I think that, again, that’s why I love your podcast and I love the things that we talk about here because we’re giving our bodies extra tools, which is to remind people that this is a gift. Our bodies are a gift to us. I love how he talks to his body in a third-person way because how would you treat someone else? You think about how you treat other people that you love, how you treat things that you deem are important.
We don’t necessarily put our health and our bodies in that same category in the same way, but when you’re saying that, okay let’s go run, let’s go shower now, body. Okay, let’s go eat. It’s interesting because you do. There’s a different perspective about it. There’s a different level of awareness and consciousness that, oh, I need to go do this now to treat this body the way it deserves to be treated.
Another thing too to think about is the idea that nothing is random and all these divine interventions and synchronicities and so forth. Many of those for nonbelievers, somebody very skeptical, or practical, they need to see the evidence. They need to see the proof. I just heard Dr. Joe Dispenza on a Q&A call share some examples of the tangible proof that this isn’t a random universe. One example he gave was a random number generator that was influenced, ever so slightly, but nonetheless, it was statistically significant by human thought.
Having personal, spiritual growth, and elevating level of consciousness will help in realizing that there's so much divinity and alignment in every moment. Share on XYes, I remember that example. It’s profound. At the end of it all, it just reminds us of our power. It reminds us of the power of our minds because we are a part of this universe. I just wanted to share, actually, I don’t know why it just popped up for me to share. Oh, because we’re talking about health and the body and being able to shift with that mind. I have a friend who I think you’ve already had him on the podcast.
Last week, I actually had a very random and sudden allergic reaction. It was almost anticlimactic. I don’t think I’ve had a response like that. Since I was a kid, before I realized I had asthma, but that still spanned over the course of 15 minutes before it got severe. This was almost instantaneous like within five minutes my body was reacting and it was out of control. I actually called him. I don’t want to share too much because I don’t want to give away too much. I’m not sure if you’ve had your interview with him or not and it’s on a different episode.
Not yet.
Okay. Well, he is someone who’s an example of someone who can use his mind. He can connect and he can heal from a distance. He was able to help me in those moments because I was really not in a good way. The reminder for me, because again, in those challenging moments, there’s always the lesson, the gift, the miracle. I already know that he’s a miracle, he’s a dear friend. But the reminder for me was just we’re still in this physical body.
So as we’re shifting, I know there’s a lot going on in the collective and our consciousness may be elevating. We’re kind of shifting into this more 5D, in this different paradigm. We have to be gentle with our bodies. Our physical bodies sometimes take longer to catch up to where our soul body goes.
I had gone out of body a lot. I kind of swim and we talked to John Amaral. I’m always out in these upper dimensions all the time. As a reminder to myself, I think at that moment that my physical body sometimes needs a little bit more time to catch up and more time to integrate the energy that’s coming in. Whether or not they are “downloads, shifts, or information” that’s coming in from the universe or our guides, that energy can be a lot for our physical bodies.
It was such a reminder to me because I do all these different things. I’m like your holistic biohacker and also an energy practitioner. I know I have to remind myself that my physical body needs a little bit more space. It needs a little more time. It needs the opportunity to integrate. That was my reminder.
Again, it was an experience. It wasn’t something like what happened with the surgery, but I consider it a small reminder. I mean, that was serious, but I didn’t have to go to the hospital or anything like that. It was a reminder that say, hey, listen, listen, you talk so much about honoring the body and appreciating health. I have to remind myself and have this awareness that our physical body takes a little bit of time sometimes compared to the soul body and the energetic body and to give the body that grace.
Your physical body is your vessel and that vessel has to be able to withstand the amount of light that you want to receive. Now you mentioned holistic biohacking. That sounds like a really cool term.
What would be some of the modalities that are part of your holistic biohacking routine? You mentioned John Amaral, who was the past guest on this podcast. He was, of course, trained by Donny Epstein, the founder of NSA, Network Spinal Analysis, who was also a guest on this podcast. Both of those episodes are incredible. What would be, other than NSA and the whole energetic entrainments that you get through that, what else is part of your regimen?

My sessions with John I love, and he’s a dear friend. I’ve been doing hyperbaric forever. So hyperbaric oxygen therapy, I feel that is something considered biohacking. Oxygen therapy has been around for a really long time. I feel like it’s just one of the most holistic, non-invasive, healing regenerative therapies that you can do. I’m also obviously a very big fan of light therapies that I’ve done for a really long time. Heat therapy and I obviously have my Hapbee.
Hapbee, as in Hapbee?
Yes, I can send you the link for that.
I have one and I’ve had Scott Donnell on this podcast.
Yes. He’s fantastic. I think we talked about this, actually.
Actually, Hapbee is a client of mine.
I love them. I have mine that I use all the time. I have my BrainTap that I use all the time. I have my PEMF Mat. I think I talked about the red light therapy. I don’t have a bio charger here, but I do love it. Those are all my (I guess) holistic. What else do I do on a pretty regular basis?
Yeah, I think those are the things I do almost daily. For biohacking, I’m trying to think. And then energy-wise, other than John, on myself, I also do Reiki. His pranic, it’s slightly different. I haven’t fully dived into Dr. B’s programs yet. Again, that was something I had an awareness of space and time and knowing how much I could take on and do.
I was aware of space and time and knew how much I could take on and do.
Dr. B is Dr. Barry Morguelan?
Yes, yes.
His practices and his meditations. Obviously, I’m a huge fan of Joe Dispenza and his meditations. Meditation is not a holistic biohacking thing. It’s just something we’ve done for a million years. There are different types of meditation that I do. I recently started doing TM. That’s something that I’ve incorporated.
I feel that for someone who doesn’t meditate, isn’t comfortable with it, feels like they’re not doing it right, or is a beginner, I actually think that Transcendental Meditation is a great way to start because there’s no judgment in it. There’s no, I’m not focusing. Oh, I’m thinking thoughts. Oh, my mind is so busy. With TM, you really allow those thoughts to come in and then you get back to the center. You allow it, you embrace it without judgment, and then you let it get back to the center. If you can carve out 20 minutes twice a day to do TM, it will really, really shift your life.
TM is Transcendental Meditation, for those who don’t know what TM is.
Yes, I’m sorry. I thought I said that in case I didn’t. I would say morning and afternoon. Try not to do it in the evening. For some people, it can actually give you a lot of energy. I’ve noticed that I feel very rested when I do it. I feel like I had a two- or three-hour nap if I do it. That’s obviously more holistic. That’s something that I actually really feel a shift from.
Seeing the miracles amidst challenging moments can attract so much grace and knowledge, and purpose from it. Share on XVery cool. And BrainTap is what?
Oh, BrainTap. I don’t have one—there might be one in the room next door, I’d have to run and grab it.
No, it’s fine.
BrainTap is a device. Dr. Patrick Porter developed this device. It’s amazing. It’s like a headset. We haven’t talked about this? Oh my goodness. We’ll have to talk about this. I’ll send you some information.
Well, we talked about it offline, but I wanted to have our listeners know that this is something really valuable.
Oh, yes. I love it. It’s hundreds and I’ll actually have some meditations on it as well, just thousands of meditations. He uses different Hertz’s depending on what the goals are. This is how it looks like here. They also have binaural beats. So between the beats and the different frequencies, whether it’s 528 or 444, I play it at different frequencies. That’s something that’s been really helpful for me. It can help train your mind to go into theta when you need to be in theta or to go into delta when you need to be in delta.
This morning, as soon as I woke up, I did my gratitude. Before I went down to start my day, I laid on my PEMF mat with my BrainTap on and I was on an alpha frequency. I had 10 minutes of alpha. I did eight minutes on BEMER with PEMF. It’s just a great way to wake up your mind and wake up your body. Those are some of my biohacks.
Shifts come not just in big traumatic moments but also in small instances. It's just about taking notice. Share on XThose are awesome. Thank you for sharing those. I know we got a little bit of a short episode because of the late start, but where does our listener go to learn more from you? Maybe get recipes, products, courses, whatever else that would be a fit for them, and gain some of that wonderful wisdom from you.
Yes, thank you so much. They can go to my website, which is They can also go to my Instagram, which is @chefserenapoon. That’s pretty much my handle for most of my social profiles.
This is so much fun. Thank you so much for having me. I’m sorry it was short because I had some technical issues, but that was really a great time. I so appreciate sharing space with you today.
I appreciate you too. Thank you, listeners, I appreciate you as well. Thank you for being so open-minded to go into these spiritual discussions as well. Thank you, Serena, for going off on some tangents with me as well and not just sticking to the safe topics. I appreciate that.
Of course. It’s so fun and so easy to be so open, especially with such a dear friend and just an aligned soul. Thank you, Stephan.
Thank you. All right, thank you. Thank you, listeners. We’ll catch you on the next episode. This is your host, Stephan Spencer, signing off.