In this Episode
- [02:12]Stephan introduces Dr. John Bergman DC, who offers his perspective on the body’s innate capacity to heal itself. Dr. Bergman DC recounts his personal journey, including a life-altering car accident and the severe injuries he endured.
- [11:47]Dr. Bergman DC explains the concept of energy and its connection to healing, referencing Dr. Emoto’s research on water crystals.
- [16:14]He emphasizes the role of prayer and meditation in fostering healing and their ability to promote tissue regeneration.
- [24:30]Drawing from his international experiences, Dr. Bergman DC highlights the universal principles of healing observed across diverse cultures.
- [38:24]Dr. Bergman DC underscores the value of gratitude and the practice of blessing food to enhance its nutritional benefits.
- [47:05]Dr. Bergman DC concludes by outlining how individuals can collaborate with him.
It’s so great to have you back on the show.
Brother, it’s been eight years since the first episode. Thank you so much for inviting me back.
Absolutely. I’m so grateful to have you on. I was under your chiropractic care for a number of years until we moved away. Now we’re on the other side of the country, we miss you.
Miss you too, brother.
First of all, if someone has not listened to our initial interview from eight years ago, can you give a little backstory and more details about your origin story and how you became the superhero that you are now? It was a dark night, I’m sure. But it’s all a gift in the end, right?
That’s the greatest way to look at it. When I’m working on somebody with real health challenges, I say, “Look, man, this is going to be a gift.” These people could be in their 20s and 30s. “It’s going to be a gift to your great-grandchildren. To overcome adversity and use that adversity for education and expansion of yourself.” When I got hit by a car, I was a contractor. I had a practical understanding of the world and how to identify and correct a problem. When I got to go through the anatomy, physiology, neurology, and engineering background, and when I hit anatomy, it was amazing that the body is self-healing, self-regulating, and regenerative.
When you approach life with an attitude of gratitude and look inwardly to yourself and outwardly to God in the spirit, you can see the harmony and the chaos. Share on XThen I thought, “Wait a second. All the doctors were saying that my knees would have to be replaced eventually. The other doctors, the chiropractors, were saying, “No, it’s living tissue. It can regenerate.”’ You don’t hear this. I told a patient at my clinic in Tijuana, “No, your knees are alive. They’re going to regenerate. We’re just going to stimulate the cells, and they’re going to grow.” I don’t fix anything, but I do educate the patient so the body can regenerate itself. I may take the pressure off the nervous system to get them out of the stress state, and then their body is free to build. Because if you build cells faster than they break down, then that’s called health. If you break down faster than they build, that’s called a lack of ease. Some people call it a disease.
Words are powerful. We manifest our reality through our words. To call yourself, for example, a cancer survivor, or to call yourself a recovering alcoholic or whatever the terminology is, you’re labeling yourself, identifying as that thing that you’re trying to avoid, and now you’re attracting that. That’s the law of attraction. You’re a magnet for it.
Brother, physical, chemical, and emotional stress. When a patient comes in and goes, “Doc, this pain is killing me,” and I say, “Look, stop right there because words have power.” If you say, “This pain is limiting me. This pain is pissing me off totally.” I’m good with that. The words literally do have power. In order to initiate healing, if you say, “Oh, it runs in my family, it’s genetic.”

There’s a little patient at a clinic in Bangkok who is four years old. The parents came in and said, “Yeah, it’s a genetic anomaly.” They were born without the right formation of certain cells, but the cells are still alive. If there is damage to the brain, there’s a thing called neurogenesis that the brain, given the right stimulus, can start to regenerate new neurons. It may have started badly, but to label him a victim, and this is what their future is going to be like, that’s not true because the body is really adaptive and can thrive in even the most challenging circumstances.
Let’s get back to your origin story. You got hit by a car, and you had all these profound injuries. How did you find your way to health, and how did that inform your journey and jump your levels in this video game called life?
I was putting an X-ray lab in for a chiropractor. This was the week before I was hit by a car. I threw my back out, putting up some of the lead sheets. He adjusted me, and it was amazing. The warmth went down my legs. My body functioned better. This was in a five-minute adjustment. He taught me how the system works. It seems like no one’s ever told me about how my body works. I was 30 years old. I should have known this. He said, “You know, John, you’re built like a tank. You’ve got good communication to be a good chiropractor.” There’s no way I’ve got six employees. I’ve got a cabinet shop.
Arthritis isn’t from wear and tear. It’s from a trauma.
I’m already set that next week, I’m hit by a car, radically changing my life. The medical world saved my life. Thank God. With the drugs, I’m telling you, if you get both your legs broken, you’re going to love morphine—instantly gone. Except they were saying, “Look, we’re going to give you pain medications, and it’s going to be a challenge, and in a few years, we’re going to replace your knees.” I didn’t know much. I accepted their prediction of my future. I’m getting adjusted by the chiropractor in a wheelchair with my legs sticking out. He’s adjusted me.
I told him what the medical doctors told me, and he said, “No, that’s crazy. Have you ever cut yourself?” “Yeah, Carpenter.” “Okay. Did it ever heal?” “Yeah, all the time.” He says, “Well, your knees will regenerate.” These two medical professions that I completely respected saved my life, and the other one was restoring my life with completely divergent opinions of how the body works. Then I learned that the drugs that reduce pain, the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories like Advil, Motrin, and Aleve that they were giving me to make me more comfortable, destroy building blocks of cartilage.
I thought, “That’s crazy.” Then I thought, “Let me learn more about this.” It was hard to still be a contractor. My body wasn’t working well, so I went back to school. I got into chiropractic college. Some of the doctors there were saying, “Well, arthritis happens.” This isn’t a chiropractic college, and arthritis happens because joints wear out. I’d look at 80-year-old cadavers during human dissection, and I’d see no arthritis. I’d look at 20, 30-year-old cadavers, and I’d say beginning degeneration and advanced degeneration, that’s not true.
Arthritis isn’t from wear and tear. It’s from a trauma. Then you start to realize that it’s living tissue. I experienced regrowth of tissue in my knees where I could start bending and moving and twisting and turning. No surgery or anything else. Then, I developed certain therapies to get that. I got so into human dissection that just learning it out of a book was really hard. It didn’t make any sense. But when I got there, I felt like a tactile learner, as well as a visual and auditory learner.
Finding a balance between challenges and support is like a spinning top; it’s not about pure good or evil. True wisdom lies in navigating that gray area. Share on XWhen I touched the body, it was amazing. I knew how it worked. This is the median nerve; this is where it comes from. It was so exciting to see how the organ systems function and how these bodies have died. There’s actually a tissue on the bottom of the stomach called the greater omentum. This is a curtain of tissue that goes around in any area of the damaged intestinal tract, surrounding it and healing it. I’m looking at these bodies that have died, and they were still in a stage of healing and regeneration.
It just opened my mind. Being older and going back to school, I wasn’t really susceptible to mindlessly accepting what everybody told me. I was more of a critical thinker. When we’d see an X-ray of somebody in one of the doctors—God bless him, this was his belief system—he’d say, “Yes, see the degeneration here? That’s from old age.” I’d say, “Well, there’s no degeneration up here. Aren’t they the same age?” Those kinds of questions aren’t going to win your friends. However, critical thinking and asking why is not possible in the medical world, particularly if you have high blood pressure. “Why do I have high blood pressure, Doc?” “Well, we just don’t know.” The number one cause of high blood pressure in the medical text is idiopathic. Think of a root word, “id**t.” They don’t know. The cause is unknown.
Well, let’s talk about that for a minute. Like root cause, that is such a critical phrase. What I’ve found from my spiritual studies in recent years is that everything stems from a spiritual root cause. Somebody has chronic, let’s say, neck pain, and it turns out that they were decapitated in a past life. This kind of spilled over into this life. It was unresolved trauma from a past life.
Once you’re aware of your past experiences, you can incorporate their wisdom into your life, and then they won’t negatively affect you.
That might, for some people, sound really out there and woo-woo, but probably not for my listener. They’ve probably left a long time ago if this was too out there for their comfort zone. But this idea of a spiritual root cause doesn’t even have to be a physical trauma or ailment. It could just be a birthmark or some sort of benign cellular mass that connects back to past life or something that has more of a spiritual root cause. What are your thoughts on that?
You’re delving into a reality that the majority of people are unaware of. It’s like when I talk about viruses and creating infection. Viruses don’t really exist. They’re in the proteins. They’re little messengers. When you talk about spirit or past energy, because we are energy, and energy can’t be created or destroyed, only transformed, when you look at the absolute evidence of psychic ability or people that go into a dream state, like the sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce, where they can go into a different level of vibratory energy and be able to do things that are unexplainable, other than they’re connecting with the energy of you could call it a past life or past experience or some awareness of energy that occurred in the past or in the future.
Because what’s time? When you find out time’s illusion, time is not constant. Time’s dependent on speed. When people go, “Oh, no, dude, this hurts. I can’t think of that.” Well, the satellites have to function at different times than the people on the earth. Otherwise, the GPS wouldn’t work. When people say, “Well, it’s bullpucky that crystals vibrate.” Well, no. Have you ever heard of ultrasound? We’re passing electricity through a crystal, causing it to vibrate.
This is delving into a world that’s. That’s the next generational stuff. There are people in this generation that are understanding it. But when I talk about healing, just talking to this guy, “Oh, I have mast cell activation. I have postural orthostatic tachycardia. I have this and this and this.” I say, “No, your body’s responding correctly.” When you have a chronic state of emotional and physical stress, you have to identify the cause. If you’re looking at that, you could be connecting to an energy in the past.
When you look at all of the reincarnation and meditative practices, they say the more you remember a past life, the more it detracts from this one. You don’t need to forget it, but you do need to be aware of it. It’s like just anytime there’s an emotional charge if there’s an event that causes an emotional charge that can run your life. But an event without an emotional charge is called wisdom. These past experiences that you have, once you’re made aware of the existence of that or the awareness of that, then you can incorporate the wisdom of that into your life, and then it won’t negatively affect you. Just like the muscles that run through the top of the neck down to the sacrum, they’re not under conscious control.
Physical, chemical, and emotional stress, just like a Halloween cat, goes like that. Humans are the same way. If you’re experiencing any kind of emotional or perception of stress, those muscles are going to go up and give a physical appearance or a physical representation of a thought or an impulse or an impression. But that’s next-level stuff, man. I can’t talk about, say, “Hey, look, viruses don’t exist, and they don’t cause disease.” Minds are going to close and say, “No, what about the flu or measles?” If you say, “Look, your body is more energy than matter, and how you express that energy is going to be expressed in a physical form.” This is how you make it through the majority of the planet.
That has to be addressed, though. That’s why I always put five keys to health. Prayer and meditation are equally as important as nerve supply, equally as important as nutrition, and equally as important as sleep, where your body regenerates. When you look at every study on the planet, when you’re involving prayer in healing, it works better. By adding that spiritual aspect of a connection with power, greater getting in that vibrational aspect, tissue production occurs in a better, faster, more effective process.
By adding a spiritual aspect of a connection with power, tissue production occurs in a better, faster, more effective process.
Group prayer also has a profound impact. This might sound really crazy, but you can change the course of a hurricane with group prayer.
Not only that, you can measure it. They had a group of meditators, and they meditate for certain areas or communities. I think there was one study that might have been back in the 80s, where a group of meditators meditated for Washington, D.C., to lower the crime rate in July. The police chief says, “There’s no way it’s going to work. If we had a snowstorm, maybe that would lower the crime, but there’s no way this is going to work.” Sure enough, they meditated, and the crime rate dropped. I think it was about 25 or 30%.
Then, you got Dr. Emoto’s studies on water and crystal formation. How far will prayer and thought go? You’re talking about changing the hurricane or weather. A group of meditators in Japan focused their energies on a bottle of water in San Jose, California. What they didn’t know was that there was a test jar of water in Southern California. Then, they compared the differences and found radical differences in the crystal formation of both waters.
I thought that was amazing.
It is faster than the speed of light. The speed of light isn’t constant anyway. Neither is the gravitational forces constant, even though you have to make it a constant in order to do certain calculations. We know that there are so many variations in physics. Then, quantum physics, like you get one electron spinning in one direction and separate the other one by 3,4000 miles. Change this one, and that one will instantly change. Not the speed of light instantly.
Einstein called the bottom of it spooky action at a distance, and the quantum entanglement is called spooky action.

That is the best explanation ever. What did Einstein say? He said, “Look, you got energy and matter, but when you break it all down, it’s really only energy.”
Matter is just energy slowing way down. A couple of other studies were amazing. One is Dr. Joe Dispenza, who talks about how the power of thought could affect a random number generator statistically significantly enough to consider this a scientifically valid study. Then, some qigong or tai chi masters were affecting the decay rate of americium. It’s slightly radioactive. It’s inside of smoke detectors.
Because the radioactivity rate is so predictable and it’s not dangerous to humans because it doesn’t travel very far, we can have it in our homes. But he was actually able to, this tai chi master, change the rate of decay, which couldn’t be changed any other way, through temperature changes and all sorts of things. The only way they could change the decay rate was through his power to send qi energy to that radioisotope.
Think of the future when somebody is presented with a health challenge, and they bring up the energetic aspect of the body. Baby, that’s when healing occurs. Because you have so many doctors that are implanting suggestions in the minds of people, and their body is an expression of the physical, chemical, and emotional stressors they’re under. But if they perceive, it’s like witch doctor stuff. “Okay, this feather will add life to you, or this feather will kill you.”
When patients come in with a prognosis, chiropractors’ job is to optimize their health 100% as best they can.
Both of those, the placebo and no placebo effect. Okay, the body can accept it, but certain things can also maintain that energy. Like in Kirlian photography, you can see the energy coming out of a leaf being cut from a tree. Why isn’t more studies done on that? Because there’s no profit in it.
It actually goes against profit. It’s like, “No, no, let’s keep a blind eye to that and let’s focus on the drugs, the pharma.” I was just thinking about the term prognosis, and I looked that up. The definition of prognosis is the prospect of recovery as anticipated from the usual course of disease. That’s like fortune-teller stuff. “I’m going to predict a demise for you in the next six months. Here you go. Take that with you. Please close the door as you leave.”
100%. I do doctor training at both of my clinics. When patients come in with a prognostication prognosis, the job of a chiropractor is to optimize that health 100% as best they can. I’ve got two patients with bullets in their neck, and they’re quadriplegics. What’s that person’s potential? 100%.
I’m not in the judgment business. I am in the neurologic physiologic business. I do the best I can for that person, and their body can recover because there is a book of miracles. It’s called The Book of Miracles. Spontaneous remission of incurable diseases. They’re not. Then somebody says, “Look, this disease has a 90% death rate.” Okay, good, you might be in the 10%. What’s the difference between the 90 and 10%? Is it perception?

Absolutely. Then you go back to the witch doctor stuff. Every patient, whether they’re born, I’ve got several kid patients that have half the brain born, didn’t form correctly. They’re called hemicephalic severe injuries. What’s that kid’s potential? Let the spirit inside decide. One of my kid patients, and this is interesting, was born with part of their brain malformed, and they were supposed to die after five years. The mother did everything with care and spirituality.
Because the medical doctor said, “Look, just give her a whole bunch of drugs. She’s just a vegetable. She’s going to lie on the couch.” No. This gal was experiencing life, and she took that child who was horribly deformed to a psychic. Since we are co-creators of our world, we are designing what’s around us. “Why did you choose to be born in a body so deformed?” Through the psychic, she said, “Well, it’s easier to transfer to the spirit world because that’s the other half of us that most of us aren’t aware of.”
It made so much sense because you could see there’s joy even in a lot of the patients who are in chronic spastic states or seizures. You’re going to see they have glimmerings of beauty and life and joy and love. They can experience it, but it’s such an intensity. Like when you see patients with Down syndrome, it’s like they took all the judgment away, and there’s just love and acceptance and joy. It’s a different view of the world.
Now, speaking of Down syndrome, there’s this beautiful movie. It’s a coming-of-age story of a boy with Down syndrome. One of my guests from this show was the executive producer of this movie. The movie is called The Peanut Butter Falcon, and the executive producer is Aaron Scotti. Amazing guy. What I read a few years ago is this concept of a victim soul that chooses to enter this life with a terrible diagnosis or prognosis or terrible tragedy that comes to them. They do that to soak up a lot of collective karma.
It could be that somebody wants to incarnate into a body that is challenged in order to be closer to the spirit will or to make that transition easier or whatever. It could be that they want to help all of humanity by soaking up a lot of karma. There are a number of reasons why someone might incarnate into a body that is broken or has tragedy or trauma affecting it. What are your thoughts on that?
It’s a cultural acceptance and brilliance. I’ve got some patients in southern Mexico, and they’re studying ancient cultures. There was a culture. I don’t think it was the Olmecs, but it went from South America to Canada 6,000 years ago. They had no wars. It was living in harmony. But anybody that got ill or sick or was damaged or hurt was thanked by the caregivers because now they had a chance to give back, to give that love and caring and service because of that trauma, or there’s always a balance. Helen Keller, blind and deaf, at Bamboo School in Thailand.
I go to Bangkok three times a year to do a lot of education stuff. I work at this one Bamboo School. This one kid with cerebral palsy, deaf and blind, and he was thrown in a trash can. And this was 18 years ago, and the kid was supposed to be dead again, you know, four or five years old, and he’s 18. But now, in this community where there are 80 children. His name’s John. I went in there and adjusted him. I showed him a couple of neurological stuff to help him become more aware.
There’s a lesson beyond challenges you can’t see where you are right now. So, there is something that is not a benefit but something that adds to the world.
We got more tactile stimuli to help his brain. But to see all of these kids, one kid tells the other, “Have you checked John’s diaper? Or have you checked his shirt? Have you done this?” It’s not a burden. It’s just one of the ways that you can express love for your mankind. He’s in that karmic life where people are giving to him without asking for anything back. Is that generosity and love what his spirit really needs? Was he always working and giving to everyone? Now, he’s in a position where he can’t give anything except love and a little bit of attention and spark. There’s beauty in everything.
You’ve got to look at the difference, at the balance between challenge and support. One of the analogies that I was told was you have a top on one side. It’s white, pure good, perfect. On the other side, black is totally evil, horrible, bad. Nothing’s like that. You spin that top, and then you’re going to see the gray area, and then you can see the balance. And that’s wisdom. I’m still practicing spinning that friggin top.
There’s a level of this video game where everything is light when all you see is God and love, even in the challenges. It’s really beautiful. Rabbi Ish Gamzu said famously, “This too is for the good.” He was famous for saying that all the time. He saw good everywhere, just like in every person. You get to see the spark of God in everybody, even if they are just a wart in your life.
Oh, you mean God never does anything to you? He does everything for you? So, me being run over by a car, that was for me? Yeah, it was. Thank you, God.

When you’re going through it, that is not something that you want to hear your friends and family tell you very emotionally intelligent to say, “This is for your greatest good.” But if you’re seeing that and saying that about your experience, that’s great. Poor emotional intelligence if you’re saying it to somebody while they’re going through hell.
I know it’s interesting. My oldest boy and I were talking about jobs, and it was so unfair. He was really, really wealthy and healthy, as was his family. Everything was taken away. When he asked God, he said, “Well, why did you do this?” God kept answering in parables. Well, you would ask why the wind blows, why the tides turn or why this or that. The point of it was there’s a lesson beyond this that you can’t see right now where you are. So, there is something that is not a benefit but something that adds to the world. Here we are 3,000 years later, talking about it, and we’re still having a discussion about it.
Do you ever ask God why? Why is something going off the rails in your life, or why trauma or tragedy is hitting you or somebody else, or any kind of question? Are you asking God these sorts of things?
The universe and God know more about what I’m doing than what I’m doing.
Never why, but always what. “What am I supposed to do? What’s the best course of action? What’s the meaning behind this? What’s the purpose?” Okay, when I get this from patients. They’ll say, “You know, I’m really worried about this, or I’m really concerned about this, or I’m worried about this.” They’re really in a hyper-excitable state. I’ll say, “Well, look at all the religions in the world.” They say the more you worry about stuff, the better it turns out. They’ll look, and they go, “Well, I said, you’re right. I’m kidding.”
It says worry doesn’t add a minute to your life. Give your worries to God, okay? Trust in God. Get that attitude of gratitude. So I ask, “All the time, but why?” I’m figuring that the universe and God know more about what I’m doing than what I’m doing. That’s why when I’m adjusting to someone, I pray over every patient, although I can’t say that to every patient because they would find it weird. But if I got this universal intelligence and I’m going to use it, if it can guide my actions, to say, “Yeah, I want to adjust here and not here, or this is the more important man.” So that puts you in the zone.
This analogy was given to me from above in the last couple of years. It’s that our brains are like dumb terminals or our physicality. It’s like we’re the dumb terminal, and we’re accessing universal intelligence, which is the supercomputer. All the answers, all the wisdom, all the knowledge, everything is available to us. Occasionally, I watch a psychic show or something like Life After Death, which is a Netflix show with Tyler Henry. I remember this one scene where he couldn’t remember a word. Instead of him racking his brain, he just asked for it.
Boom. It just like popped. I couldn’t remember what that word was. I just asked right now, and it was elope. He was trying to figure out what’s the word for when you get married just on a whim or whatever and you just disappear. He’s like, “Oh, right.” He asked, and boom, there it was. I just couldn’t remember it right then. A minute ago, when I was telling the story, I asked for it, and I just got it, too, and I eloped.
That’s how our brains work. You could try to. Materialists might try to figure this out on a material kind of physical level. This is how the memories are stored in different memory gadgets in the brain. But really, if you just let go and let God know that you are accessing something much greater than you, then it just takes a lot of the pressure off.
There are a couple of things in that Bible. What does it take to open a door? Oh, you got a knock. How do you get something? You have to ask. It seems too simple. It’s like when we talk about healing. No, the body is doing the best it can right now, given the environment. If you change that, then the body can regenerate, and then the disease is really an adaptation. Even though people have been suffering for years, and I mean mentally, physically, spiritually locked in.
If you're experiencing any kind of emotional stress or perception of stress, your muscles go up, giving a physical representation of a thought, an impulse, or an impression. Share on XBut when you get this awareness that everything around you is in harmony, everything is always changing. People are really, particularly nowadays, concerned about things that they have no control over. When you approach it with an attitude of gratitude, look inwardly and outwardly, inwardly to yourself and outwardly to God in the spirit, or however you want to word it, you can see the harmony and the chaos. You can see that the pendulum, even though it’s swinging off to insanity, is always in balance. It’s like when I tell my patients what happened after the Black Plague. We may be in a different time now, but the Renaissance is coming.
But then the challenge and the opportunity is when you’re in the middle of the plague, to see the hand of God in it and to see the beauty of everything that’s happening.
Which is really hard. When you’re in the trench and bombs are going off, you’re not going to say, “Thank you, God.” You’re going to say, “Please get me out of this.” My dad, when World War II, said there were no atheists in foxholes. So, to see it at the moment, no. But it may take hours or years to appreciate the wisdom.
This is a muscle that you can work, though. You can get better and better at remembering God in the middle of the chaos or the challenge and then wave to him and ask for help. To be in gratitude, even during that, is something that you can get into your muscle memory, so to speak.
He’s always there, and he doesn’t get what you want all the time, but he will get you what you need.
Little bits of gratitude can build up and get you out of the distorted view of reality.
Something even better is in the works. That’s why you’re not getting what you want. How do you ask God that what question and not the why question and get the response back? What’s your process?
Usually, because I’m a human, my brain comes up with all sorts of barriers, and I try to come up with the solutions myself. Then I think of gratitude. With the attitude of gratitude, I’m grateful for this challenge, and that’s really hard sometimes. But then, I’ll do diaphragmatic breathing to get oxygen. It also changes my physiology and allows my brain to focus a little bit more away from that animal self of where I want to respond in an instant. The gratitude gets me out of it 100% of the time. It’s just like, “Thank you, God. What am I supposed to learn from this? If I’m trying to do this myself, it’s not going to work out. I need your help. What am I supposed to do? What’s the best thing I can do? How can I be appreciative of this?” Gratitude is my go-to 100%.
Part of gratitude is being grateful for the challenge and not just for the obvious revealed blessings but also for the unrevealed blessings. The things that look like an absolute sh*t show, right?
Absolutely. In that instance, when bombs are going off, it’s hard to change your mindset into, “Thank you, God, for this torture you’re giving me that goes into the job thing.” It’s falling back into prayer, giving an attitude of gratitude for your life.
Think about the things that you’re grateful for because you’re on that top and you’re looking at only the black side. Are you grateful for the wisdom of your grandparents or the love of your parents or that good friend of yours that’s always there, most of the time, or that good meal you had? Little bits of gratitude can build up and get you out of that distorted view of reality. Because when you’re only looking at one side of pain and physical dysfunction and financial or physical or all these different ruins, being appreciative for the little things, and it sounds too simple, but that builds it up. Like you said, it’s like a muscle of gratitude, love, and appreciation. You gotta work that thing, and it works out better.
Here are some of the ways to work that. In Judaism, the first thing you do when you wake up before you even get out of bed is to thank God for returning your soul to your body.
How beautiful.
I know. Then, pray over your food or your drink before you consume it. I also went back to Dr. Emoto and his crystal water, crystal experiments, and food experiments, where he’d bless different food items and leave them out to either rot or not. All depended on whether that food item or the water was blessed or cursed through words and intentions. By consuming your food and drink with one, gratitude, and two, the intention is to transform and transmute that consumable into something super healthy, even if it’s a Twinkie. I’m not condoning eating Twinkies, but if you’re eating something that’s junk food or processed food, you can improve its effect on your body by blessing it before you consume it.
100% of what you eat becomes you.
100% of what you eat becomes you, and thanking God, getting that attitude of gratitude. From an anatomy perspective, it stimulates rest, digestion, and repair. So you’re going to be able to process the nutrients if you have no awareness of their spiritual nature. But if you’re aware of its energetic nature, then man praying over it is going to allow you to get the real nutrients. It’s like comparing a vitamin C with an orange. The orange always wins out because there’s magic in there. Bioflavonoids, phytonutrients, all this stuff that binds to it. We’re in that reductionist society where, “Okay, what’s the one substance in garlic that protects you?” No, it’s the energy of the plant.
I mean, why is a blueberry blue? Because it’s adapted to its environment and adapted to all of these things that have tried to harm it, like funguses. You take that in. You’re getting that energy out that you can express. Praying over food should be like the basics.
I was on a mastermind trip. Maverick1000, Yanik Silver’s mastermind. I was on a trip to Belize with my wife and son. One thing that we witnessed that was really beautiful is with the Mayans we went to there. In one of their villages, they were picking leaves and things to make medicinal tinctures and stuff like that. And they would bless and actually ask for permission from the plant or the tree or whatever before they picked it. “Can I pick this leaf?” “Yes.” Then they picked it. Imagine that level of consciousness when you are harvesting that goes into the item, the food, and the medicine. It’s beautiful.
At my clinic in Tijuana, we do stem cells, but we only use umbilical cords. No abortions or anything like that. But it’s living tissue. It would have been discarded. But before we inject it in the patient, we ask you to pray over this because this is living tissue that’s going to go in and become you and help you. If we can put that energetic aspect in it and utilize it 500 years from now, what we’re talking about now is going to be common practice. They will never be giving you a chemical to alter your physiology that has a myriad of effects.
I don’t mind all those side effects in the commercial. Just ignore that part.
We’ll talk really fast so you don’t pay attention, and we’ll show you pictures of puppies.
Yes. Don’t pay attention to what’s happening. On the other hand, look over this hand misdirection trick. One thing I want to point out too that I think is just so beautiful about Judaism and this whole thing of blessing the various miracles that are happening throughout your day is every time someone goes to the bathroom who’s observing Judaism, an observant Jew, they will say a prayer after they come out of the bathroom to thank God for the pipes in their body working. How cool is that?
Beautiful. Imagine if everybody on the planet said, when you greet each other, “Peace.” When you’re leaving each other, “Peace.” What a beautiful blessing and a beautiful way to start a conversation or to start a connection. Shalom. How cool is that? Instead of, “Hey.” “Hey, what’s up? Shalom, brother.” That’s way better, man.
It is better. So let’s say, just hypothetically, somebody has bone spurs, and they go to their chiropractor, get the full kind of X-ray scans and all that, and the chiropractor is kind of scaring the patient. Sign them up for a package. Big, multi-thousand-dollar package. “Well, I got some bad news for you. You’ve got bone spurs. It’s degenerative. If you don’t treat this, this is going to get a lot worse.” Fear, fear, fear. “And I can’t say that it’s going to get to 100%, but at least we can make it 40% better. But you need to be on a year-long program. Sign here, and I’ll take your credit card.” That’s a type of chiropractor. Certainly not you. But what would you say to somebody who’s having that kind of experience with a chiropractor?
It’s going to be a challenge. Because the chiropractor is working on a basis because bone spurs are actually not spurs on the bone. It’s really an adaptation to a past trauma. It’s also called degenerative disk disease. Degenerative joint disease. Here’s the thing: it’s not a disease; it’s really from a trauma, and it’s an adaptation. It’s also in a category called arthritis, which means joint inflammation.
Here’s another misnomer. It’s a non-inflammatory joint condition. It’s called a disease, degenerative disk disease or degenerative joint disease. It’s not a disease, and it’s from a trauma. The bone spur is literally forming there to help stabilize the joint. It’s not a negative process. It’s actually the body regenerating or adapting to this past trauma. The ignorance of the chiropractor to explain it has its damage, its disease, and its progressing instead of saying no. Your body’s responding correctly, and all of this stuff can be regenerated quickly. Based on the amount of degeneration, I can tell the patient the minimum amount of time it took for this body to change in this adaptive configuration because the body is adapting correctly and educate the patients on how to get the body to adapt in a better harmonious state.
Then people get it. It’s just if they could go back to teaching chiropractic, which is that the body is self-healing and self-regulating, and we’re supposed to remove the interference so that it allows the body to heal. Now I’m an old-school chiropractor, and I learned from really old-school guys that I’ve got to take an X-ray, identify a problem, and then take another X-ray after 30 adjustments or a series of care to document what’s being fixed. You know, what do I tell my patients? If I’m not making an effective change, I’m not doing my job. Once you put the body on that new pathway, it has to regenerate. Bodies only do two things. They build or break down, just like plants. No, plants stay static.
Human bodies are the same way. They’re not static. They’re going to regenerate and build and break down. Without the breakdown process, you can’t build. We get them on a process of this healing, and then we monitor it. I tell them that we get very aggressive care because we go in there. We need to show change and get them less and less care. I say, “Look, I want to see you really less. It’s not because I don’t like you. It’s just that this is just. It should be just a minor part to put you on the right pathway again so your body can regenerate and regenerate healthy.” So you’re 100 years old, playing pickleball with your great-grandchildren with a good functioning brain.
Amen. Now, if somebody wants to work with you, specifically you and not your team, is that even possible these days? What if somebody lives very far away from Southern California? Can they still benefit from your wisdom? Not just by watching your YouTube channel, which is amazing. You have, you know, a big audience there, 800,000 subscribers or something like that. That’s awesome. But what if they want to work and learn from you in a deeper way?
Well, we’re developing a website, and we’ve got the YouTube. We’ve lost 600 videos since 2020—shadowbanned, deleted, everything else. I’ve got two clinics in three areas where I work. Clinic in Huntington Beach and in Mexico. I’m in Huntington Beach on Monday and Tuesday and in Mexico on Wednesday and Thursday. And I’m in Thailand for 30 days three times a year.
I’m also developing a clinic in Thailand and an education area so I can start training doctors. I’m developing the same thing in Mexico. So, three times a year, I’m in Thailand. This next one is coming up. I’m going to be in mid-June to mid-July, and then it’s mid-October to mid-November.
I also do online consultations. A lot of people will fly in because of our protocol; if the case is accepted, we make three adjustments a day, four to five days a week, and then within two weeks, we’re getting post-X-rays and post-nerve scans and post-live blood cell analysis. So people will fly in from everywhere for two hours and so forth.
You have people from all over the world.
Oh, it’s such a blessing. It’s so cool when you find out that we’re all the same. I’ve seen every country in the world. Hearing my report translated into Portuguese or Mandarin is so beautiful. I had this one group from Somalia, but it was in a different area of Somalia, and they had this village dialect that they had to translate to this one gal. It had like clicks and stuff. It was so beautiful.
Then, I do online consultations. The consultations are either half an hour or an hour. They can hook up on the site. My clinic is in Huntington Beach in Tijuana, and we’re developing the one in Bangkok, Thailand.
Is the website for chiropractics
When you go to consultations, it’ll send you to the Dr. John Bergman DC site, a private site.
Right. Then you have to post that stuff on Rumble or some other platform.
Yeah. It’s not as controlled. The weird thing is, since I’m board-certified now, the board is pulling information off of Rumble Bitchute. Everything else to go after my license.
Well, that’s fun.
Well, If you want to control a country, you take over the king, you want to control the population, you take over the trade organizations, and you control everybody underneath them. I’m doing a video on my current challenges.
Which are blessings, actually.
God never does anything to you. He does stuff for you.
Which are challenges equal blessings. God never does anything to you. He does stuff for you. That’s another fallback.
These are all disguised blessings. Bring it on.
Amen, brother.
Yeah, awesome. I just think so highly of you, and kudos for all your success. Thank you for all that you do in the world to reveal light and help people heal.
Buddy, last time I talked to you, you didn’t have a kid. You got a four-year-old. I mean, this is so cool. I’m so, so excited for you. You experienced the world through your kid. It made my day. Talking to you and getting the information out is fantastic, but God, if you were close, I’d hug you.
He is an absolute miracle. More on that another time. But yeah, thank you so much, listener. Go out there, make it a beautiful week, reveal some light in the world, and do good. We’ll catch you in the next episode. I’m your host, Stephan Spencer, signing off.