In this Episode
- [02:45]Stephan welcomes Jerry Bedlington, an energy healer with over 15 years of experience. Jerry shares his journey from being an FAA-certified aircraft mechanic to founding Angel Team Healing.
- [05:35]Stephan inquires about the distinction between teams and legions. Jerry also delves into achieving spiritual plane healing and aligning physical and spiritual needs.
- [10:29]Jerry clarifies the terminologies he uses in energy healing and emphasizes the importance of filling life space with positivity.
- [17:45]Jerry talks about how he works and prepares with angels to sweep away negativity and focus on peace and happiness.
- [24:53]Stephan and Jerry exchange ideas about thought forms and how to determine whether they come from English.
- [32:18]Jerry describes what a curse and contract team of angels do.
- [35:53]Jerry offers advice to empaths.
- [45:07]Jerry covers qi energy and explains its significance.
- [49:30]Jerry demonstrates how dowsing works and highlights its benefits.
It is such an honor to have you on the show. Thank you for coming, Jerry.
Thanks, Stephan. It’s good to see you.
First of all, I would love for you to share your origin story of how you ended up working with angels and how you’ve sensed the other side of the veil. Is that something you’ve had since childhood? How did that come into your purview?
I’m an aircraft mechanic. I got 30 years in aviation. I’m FAA certified. At the end of my career, I decided I wanted to retire and make inventions. I got plasma cutters, TIG welders, and brakes—everything is ready to go. I took a class on the auric field of the body, your energy field. There, they had an exercise where I learned I could hear the angelic presence. Not good, but it was a start.
A lady that taught metaphysics, I went to that class, and there I learned how to bring angels in and do energy surgery, where I could take an energy field out and put a new one in. I was practicing with that down in Seattle. I had a group of people in the dowsing group, and they dowsed for water. I was giving a lecture there, and a lady came with third-eye capability. She could see inter-dimensionally, and she saw all the angels that were around me. So she got my little checklist, which I had typed, and said, “Okay, Jerry, ready for our class now? I started to teach you. It wasn’t my intention to teach anything. I was just enjoying what I was doing.”
At that point in time, it kind of evolved, mainly using a pendulum for dowsing. I had a friend, Dean West, who had third-eye capability. Dean and I hooked up together because we live in a dual world. We live in a physical plane and a spirit plane. We got it under control, but the spirit plane is deep, dark, and unknown what’s there. I use Dean in my sessions as a forward scout. I can ask angels to show me something, and then he can look at it inter-dimensionally in a hologram.
The language of angels isn't just about communication; it's about feeling. Share on XMy job is to give my client protection. If anything happens, it’s my job to go in there and deal with it. I coordinate a little over 105,000 quadrillion teams of angels. I have a lot of firepower to accomplish what I need to do. At this point in time, I’ve got teams all over the world intervening and helping out people. About four or five years ago, I saw the chaos going here, and I went to the creator and said, “I’m gonna give everybody five of my teams, every man, woman and child beyond the angels that they were given when they came in into birth here.” The creator says, “Now give them ten.”
I said, “Okay, ten it is.” Everybody’s got ten extra teams of angels and their equivalent of Archangel Michael. They have the same skill set. When people pray, they’re hooking up with their ten teams, and the results are pretty interesting. I’m just kind of here to help everybody out, bring the teams in, let them work, and try to move to a better place for everybody.
I have so many questions about this little aspect of it. What’s the difference between a team and a legion? What kinds of teams are we talking about? I know you’ve talked with me about micro teams, chakra teams, etc. Let’s start with the different kinds of teams and how they differentiate from a legion.
Let me set you a little more base. When I started, I had no idea where I was going. I made a little folder up here and started keeping a record of the teams. I’m just going to spread this out just for everybody. I labeled them off as to what they were doing. Then you get over to the last year and start seeing numbers. These are the team numbers that I have. I’ve got quite a group there. When we talk of legions coming out of the bible, I’m not familiar with that. When I send a team, I don’t know if there are 5, 10 or 100,000 people in the team at this point.
I have a lot of angel teams to help each person out in any situation and get the firepower.
As I’ve intervened around the world, I’ve been sending 1 or 2 quadrillions into any situation that’s going on. I have a lot of angel teams to help each person out in that situation and get the firepower. I’m not familiar with the legions. I am familiar that it is in the bible and is talked about, but I’m not familiar with that. But you talk about micro teams. Let me touch base with that. If there are problems within the physical body and there needs to be balancing going on, I’ll request 20, 30, or 40 micro teams to go in and start to rebalance the field.
I’ll also bring in micro toxic waste teams if there needs to be toxins removed and let them work. Like when I work with Dean, Dean watches all this. I have a set of eyes in the spirit plane. He watches as I talk to the team. He watches as the teams go in and implement what I’m asking them to do and gives me clarification of completion. I work when the boss puts me on a job on an airplane at the end of 8, 10, or 12 hours. He wants results, and that’s what I want when I work with my teams: get in there, do the job, get results, come back out and get rid of our next project.
I had an amazing experience. I shared this with you that you brought about you and your teams of angels. This was just one of a number of experiences that were quite profound for me working with you. One of them was you took out an energy field of my third eye visor and put in a new one, or your teams did this. That night, I had a profound, very powerful vision that was not like a dream.
It was as if I was there in this alternate reality and able to interact—super high-definition vision. I don’t know how to describe it other than I’m inside an IMAX movie. That was that very next night. You did the energy fieldwork. I specifically asked for assistance with seeing visions, and an amazing miracle ensued, probably five, six, or seven in the morning.
That’s part of the language of angels. That’s the first thing I teach my group. Within about five to ten minutes, I give an exercise, and I know each person is communicating. Some may get visions, some may hear, and some may have a discernment or a knowing, but it gives me a good idea of where everybody’s coming from. Then, I had each student tell me what had happened. The other students have the aha moment.

Cause they may have happened to them, too. But that’s very cool. We have a third eye screen here for a lot of folks. I don’t have mine opened up, and I don’t wish it to be opened up because a lot of beings or spirits will know that it is open, and they can be continually interfering because you can pick up on their presence as such. I leave that to Dean and the clairvoyance that I work with.
Did you have an experience where you saw something through your third eye visor, and you’re like, “Whoa, I don’t really want to see that sort of thing anymore,” and then you closed it?
That could have happened. I’ve never looked at that. I’ll have to ask one of my clairvoyants to go back in time. I can go forward in time to a large degree and go back in time and look at past lives in the body field, like, let’s say, the shoulder. There’s a pictorial record here of every lifetime that I’ve lived and a record in that shoulder of what’s happened. If I have an injury there, I’ll find it in the pictorial record of the past lifetimes, and I go in there and neutralize it out and archive it in peace, joy, and happiness. That way, the body can start to heal because of many injuries; when I find people who have problems, I first look at their past lives to see if it’s coming in from outside or if it’s generating right here in this field. Then I pull the cording, dissolve that, and put healing poultices in the physical body and the one I just archived.
What does that mean to archive, to neutralize it, to pull out cords or to remove cords? For somebody unfamiliar with this terminology and with that sort of ethereal world, this might sound pretty out there for them, although some of my listeners are pretty used to this conversation.
With the archive, I’ll take that event in that Cossack record. I’ll put that into it like a vault because I need to stop that energy. If you have a water hose and that hose is going, you have to go to the faucet and turn it off. By archiving it, I’ve shut the energy off there when I shut that off. But I’ll go in there and put peace, joy, and happiness in that archive, in that energy field. We’re balancing it out. I’ll then have the angels dissolve the cords because the cord will be like the water hose coming into the physical plane. I’ll have them dissolve the cords, and then I’ll pull the energy out from the physical body here. Put a healing poultice in both the archival profile and the physical body. I’ll put a helium poultice in both places, which usually stops it.
Energy work isn't something you read about and master; it's practiced daily. Through consistent practice, we learn to handle these out-of-the-box technologies effectively. Share on XYou said a few things that are really important here. One is that—I’m going to kind of paraphrase here—you fill the void after the removal or the dissolving of the cords or the neutralizing of the discordant energies. You’re filling that void with peace, joy and happiness. My understanding of the reason why is because of the adage that nature abhors a vacuum. So if you leave the space there with an absence of anything because you had the angels pull out whatever was negative, whether it’s an implant or some negative energy, you got to fill it with something. So peace, joy and happiness are great things to fill it with.
Keep it set there for that timeframe as such. Anything else that you want to ask?
Let’s talk about what other things you can fill in because I know you’ve done things where you’ve filled a space. Let’s say somebody is making an important decision in your life, and you’re removing blockages and filling the space with ease, grace, butterflies, and rainbows. What are the things that you fill in spaces and so forth with?
What will happen to people? They’ll think that I am a seer and come to me and want me to make decisions for them. For example, maybe they’re going to buy something, or they can do this. The first thing I would do would teach them what it feels like to have peace, joy and happiness, neutralization in your hand, and discordant energy, dark energy in your hand. I can reach through space and time and put energy in a person’s hand. I’ll let them fill in each of these parameters, and then I’ll take their situation and put that into their hands.
Then I’ll say, “What does that feel like? Is it smooth and comfortable, spiky, neutral? Or where are you at from that?” Since they’re working with their five senses, they already know, “Oh, this feels good, and I’m going to go with that.” We operate on our five senses. Everything we see, smell, or hear is how we evaluate. But we have a 6th sense, which everybody has, and a lot of men don’t identify with it very well, but women are really good with it.
In the angel teams that you have, you can ask for hugs from them.
We just let them run with that, and they make their own decisions. Of course, my intention is to teach everybody the process. If I had my way, I would have everybody in the world come through my basic class, learn how to communicate with the angels and know where they are. Everybody comes out of the class with a knowing element rather than faith, belief, and hope. They come out knowing they can connect with the angels. I may have angels hug them. I may invite the creator and have the creator or God hug them because I get a connection to their angelic presence.
It’s funny that you mentioned that because I was planning on bringing that up. One of the things I’ve incorporated into my morning ritual, which includes various prayers and protection and so forth, is now I ask God to give me a hug, and I feel it.
Right on. Is it like a human hug, or is it like an angelic hug?
It is certainly metaphysical. It’s not in the physical. I feel it physically in the form of my whole body feeling electric and goosebumps. Like the angel bumps, the goosebumps of getting a confirmation. You get the hair standing on your arms and every other part of your body. That happens when the angels want to let me know that, “Hey, this is important. This is true.” But I feel a different sensation when I get a hug from God. It’s still very electric, and I am goosebumpy but feel held. It’s really special.
Yeah, it’s really soothing to the body in your five senses.
To the soul. It’s so special to me. It’s like, “Why don’t I make that part of my morning ritual?” I ask, and I know that God can choose to do it or not, and every time he does, do it. If I’m in a lower vibration, I may not feel it to the same degree, but it doesn’t mean that God’s going to withhold a hug from me because I’m cranky or feeling negative or something. It’s important to know that God loves you unconditionally, regardless of whether you’re having a bad day or in a terrible mood. Thank you for making me aware that I could ask God for a hug because I learned that from you.
People are afraid of death, and they’re also afraid of something they’ve done in this lifetime and they won’t go back. They won’t look up to where the angels are.
Good. In the teams that you have, you can ask for hugs from them. One of the first things I do in the class is introduce the teams to everybody and then have them touch their hands, so they know what it feels like to have an angel touch your hand. You can ask for a hug and kind of go from there. I’ll tell you a side story.
Sorry, I got a lot of stories. A lady who’s been in my class a number of times in LA passed away, and, of course, the religious leaders will not let me on the pulpit. “No, you do not want to see me up there.” But the family asked me to give a eulogy. So I went down there, got in the pulpit, and told everybody, “Well, I’m going to clear this place up,” first of all, the energies. So I had the teams come in and sweep the place. Then I say, “Bring Lisa in.” I had two teams of angels with Lisa to take her home.
Lisa came in, and I said, “Lisa, remember how the angels touched your hand when you were alive?” She says, “Yep.” Everybody in the audience, hold your left hand or right hand out. Lisa, touch their hands and let them know you’re present. The management was coming unglued because they didn’t want to see this kind of process going on. Then I said, “If you would like a hug from Lisa, then you ask for a hug from Lisa.” We had a good connection there with everything that was. Don’t get me too much on side stories because I have lots of them.
When you have the angels sweep the place, that’s to remove all negative energies or discordant energies, and then you have them fill that space after they sweep it. And is it just peace, joy and happiness? Are you having them bring in other things? Can they smell the smell of roses or things like that?
I’ll sweep the place, and then I’ll put in peace, joy and happiness. Rose pails, orange blossoms, and different flowers—that they may smell them—will feel the energy of these flowers coming into the peace, joy, and happiness. My objective is to clean the place up, especially if I’m doing surgery. I’ll go in the hospital, and I’ll clean that surgical room up, the doctor’s up, and then I’ll span out to the hospital, anybody that passed away that’s still there. I’ll have the two teams of angels take each person home to the crater and clean that up.
Let’s say that there’s a surgery or operating room, there’s someone who passed in that room, and they haven’t transitioned over, so they’re just kind of hanging out in this world still, I don’t know if you want to call it a ghost or just a disembodied soul that hasn’t gone home yet. How do you sense that there is some being there in that place, especially if you’re not in the room physically? Because I know you don’t have that third-eye visual capability you’ve activated in yourself. So you just get a sense of it, hear God talking to you, your angels talking to you, and through clairaudience, or how does that come through?

What usually happens is people are afraid of death, and they’re also afraid of something they’ve done in this lifetime, and they won’t go back. They’re looking down and won’t look up to where the angels are. What I’ll do, just as a blanket situation, is I’ll just go ahead and blanket the whole place and have the teams, anybody that’s still there, go ahead and engage them in gold light. If they need to go to the temple of light for additional healing, they will take them there first and then go home to the crater. It depends on what’s going on in that person, but I’ll make sure things are cleaned up. Surgeries are interesting, and I had one person who had to have hip surgery, an elderly lady. I did not know when that was going to happen. I cleaned the operating room, cleaned the doctors, and cleaned the staff and everything. I also had extra teams, two surgical teams with each doctor and two teams of support with each supporting staff. When that surgeon came out of that operation, it was the best surgery I ever had. I was ahead of time, and it was smooth. I said, “Yeah, you ought to have me around all the time to help you with your surgeries.” But, yeah, they were pretty happy with that.
I’m not going to say for privacy reasons who and my family had surgery, but this was in the recent several years. The angels definitely guided the surgeon’s hand. I have no doubt about that. Now, you weren’t involved in this particular situation, so I’m sure hearing this story for the first time because I’m pretty sure I didn’t tell you this before, but yeah, I absolutely get the sense that angels guided that surgeon’s hand. And then I looked at the surgeon’s star ratings on Google afterward and said, “Oh, I don’t know that I would have chosen that doctor.” Actually, there was no choice. It was just assigned that morning.
That would have just created a lot of worry. Worry is praying for what you don’t want. Looking at those Google ratings before the surgery would not have helped us to feel that sense of certainty, comfort and faith. I’m glad we didn’t look at it, but definitely, angels are guiding and working with us. But we do have to ask. Do you want to explain that a little bit more? Because I think it’s important for our listeners to understand that they have to engage the angels and ask them for assistance. Otherwise, they’re not allowed to interfere with our free will.
Well, there are laws that govern the creators in our relationship to us and also the angels. And the basic one is if you don’t ask, it’s like hands-off. Now, I had had students or ran into people that had had angels appear to them or have, when death was imminent, that they appeared and shut that off so that they weren’t taken out of here, or if you have a vision. But beyond that, the angels are pretty much there watching you. It’s interesting. The creator is not going to let you run wild and unsupervised down here. You always have at least one angel with you. And what’s interesting is the way they generally communicate. It’s like a still, small voice but a whisper and a thought form.
When the angels talk to you, it's an instruction, so make a move and do it immediately. Share on XIt’s gone. It only happens once. But if you missed it and did not follow it, your soul will have remembered it and will bring it to your attention when you should have shifted and gone over this direction rather than the path you were going on, and they’re pretty creative. I did have an angel yell at me once. Do you want to hear that story?
Yeah, let’s hear it.
As an aircraft mechanic, I was in the Middle East working out of Saudi Arabia and had two photography degrees. King Faisal Hospital had four photographer spots. I applied to go there and work as a medical photographer. My job there was to do patient documentation, give lectures to the doctors, and provide surgery documentation. But to this day, it is time for me to do passports because we serviced the whole passport thing. So I had about six people come in, photographed in black and white, and I went and developed the film and went up to the third-story television studios. I walked through the door, and a voice came to me.
“You did not put the fixture into that container?” I say, “Yes, I did.” A third time, a little or second time, more forcefully. “You did not put the fixture into that container?” I say, “Yes, I did.” Third time, it’s like I was being shaken and yelled at. I said nothing. I went back downstairs into the dark room, the lid off, and I put the developer back in and had to reshoot.
But that’s an isolated situation where they can yell at you, but for the most part, they will be just a whisper. The thought from there and gone. And I’ve been picking up more and more of that, and it’s so subtle that I’ve really got to pay attention. But the ladies do well with that. They pay attention. They pick up on subtleness, follow it, and say, “Oh, I got results.” When something happens again, they’ll follow it. They’re really good at perceiving that still, small voice.
When you physically materialize your thought, it comes to you as an intention.
It’s very important to listen to that. I remember one of my staff was driving down the road, I think, on a freeway, and his wife was in the passenger seat, kids in the back. His wife was hearing that still small voice and said, “Get over into the right lane.” He was in the left lane and didn’t immediately get over. She repeated herself, “Get in the right lane.”
Finally, after the third request, and this time, she was very forceful about it, “Get in the right lane.” Just seconds later, there was a big crash in the left lane, and they just avoided it. He finally listened to the still, small voice that his wife was hearing. It is important to take action on this stuff and not just be, “Oh, okay. Thanks for the intuition.” No, you have to act on it if you want to keep getting it.
Absolutely. It takes a while for men to go out to lunch all the time. We think we know it all and think we’re going to do this, that, and the next, but we don’t do so well in that department.
We can all do better. Let’s talk for a minute about thought forms. You mentioned this idea of a thought form. For somebody who’s not familiar with a thought form. What is it exactly? Let’s talk a little bit about negative thought forms.
When I say it’s like a whisper in a thought form. A thought is when you get in the morning, you have a thought to go down and have breakfast, and half an hour later, if you materialize it, physically materialize it. A thought comes to you of an intention, and that intention is a situation. “Well, this is where I’m going to go.” But when the angels talk to you, it’s an instruction. Make a move like you were examining with that car situation. Make a move and do it now.
For example, this morning, I had that thought form. Get my pendulum out because I do a lot of dowsing in my work, too, because I don’t have visuals. So subtle. “It’s okay. I better stop here and do what I’m told or instructed to do.” So it’s a thought that comes. Negative thoughts will bring beings around. Do you remember when I said we live in two worlds, the physical and spirit planes? Well, you have negative thoughts.

It’s like a magnet out there. These beings can pick up on that, and they’ll come around. These beings like to feed on negative energy. That’s kind of like their food. You want to try to stay as much positive as possible. If you have any negative thoughts, then you want to ask the angels to help them out and move them out or shift that thought immediately to a more positive thought. You may be looking at pictures of kitty cats, puppy dogs, sunset, or something happy. It’s like negative and positive.
Let’s try to keep the positive. You can also get energy babies. If you have enough thoughts, you create an energy form that impacts you. When we do our work, we can always find those around people. So I just have to dissolve those out, put in peace, joy, and happiness, and fill that void out.
What’s an example of that?
Of an energy baby?
A negative energy baby, like, keeps having the same thought, like, “Oh, gosh, don’t I look fat?” Or something like that. And that keeps showing up. And it’s not just a self-reinforcing rut in your brain, but you’re actually energetically in that ethereal world, creating a pretty powerful negative thought form.
We have three brains: a head brain, a heart brain, and a gut brain.
If you keep processing that thought like that, then you own it. Usually, you have about 15 or 20 seconds in thought like that. And so now you got to try to get that thought and that energy field off of your physical body. We have three brains. We have a head brain, a heart brain, and a gut-brain. I can have the angels pull those brains out and put them into a linear from left to right so we can see all the programs playing. If there are negative programs in there that you may have put in there by your thoughts, I can go ahead and pull those out and put peace, joy and happiness in there. Then, they could reprogram again to a better place if they wish. Does that make sense to you?
If somebody is negatively affected, their thoughts have a pretty low vibration. They see everything as half-glass empty and dystopian nightmare sort of scenarios. They could be interfered with by different kinds of entities. It’s not just necessarily that they have a negative thought form hanging around them. They could be interfered with by a different kind of entity. And I know there are different kinds of entities and interferences that are negative, like implants and possessions and that sort of thing. Could we walk through some of the different kinds of negative entities?
Possessions are beings that will go into the body and start controlling its movements and actions. We’ll see that when I work with Dean. Dean will be a thousand miles away, but he’ll go in there with his fingertips and start scanning through the energy field, and he can feel the being in there. Sometimes, he’ll get bit because, in the whole world, that’s kind of a no-no in the psychic world to do that. But we get permission to do that at that point in time. Then I’ll come in with tracker and warriors teams, and I’ll grab that being out of there and take it to the crater. And then I’ll also instruct the angels to dissolve energy signatures and footprints of the beings present there so no other beings can come back, track their energy field and take a residence there. There are lots of negative beings out there in the spirit plane.
Keep your thoughts as positive as possible.
It’s just keeping your thoughts as positive as possible. But if they do come in, you’ll feel them. If you’re an empath, you will feel them quite readily. So you want to always try to be in that positive state. And if you’re an empath and have a lot of challenges, with all the energy I can take, put a control board right in front of you like this, about maybe six inches high, twelve inches long, and put it right in front of you with a big knob on it. You turn to the left, and it dials your sensitivity down so you’re not impacted. Let’s say you go into a mall, and we can dial that sensitivity down so you’re not impacted. Then, you can go back out and turn it back up again to worry about. And that’ll be with you all the time if I give one of those to you.
Now, what about aliens or ETs? Can’t they be negative and attached to you as well and give you some grief?
We have found implants in the body, and I’ll have ETs come in. They’ll look at how it was put in, and I’ll tell them to back it out carefully and dissolve it. What usually happens is that that individual may have lived as an ET in another time frame, another planet, and as it comes to the point that it’s going to die, the upper echelon makes a deal with that person or that being that they can follow you into this life experience and we’ll find him around there. Sometimes, I’ll have to bring in the commanders of the mother ships and tell them that’s unacceptable. Then I’ll have to take them out. All the teams go ahead and take the ship back and send it back to where it came in from and pull all the other sets off the earth as well because you should have a free earth experience or not be impacted by it from another timeframe or a time that you left, that they’re now tracking you for various reasons, but it’s not uncommon. And etheric implants are like air implants, which we see, and Dean picks up on those things readily.
Etheric implants won’t be picked up by MRI scans or anything like that?
Physically, no. And it’s interesting. Let me take a sidetrack here. I found this magazine in 2014, and it says, “Can we see that?”
Yes, I’ve heard of that magazine.
Yeah. It says we live in a 4% world. That’s the world we can see, build, measure, and organize. Then there’s the 96% we did not see, which determines everything. Welcome to the new reality. So even though we’re in a 4% world here, I’m quite often in that 96% looking at what’s going on. What have you brought in with you? And were there curses or contracts brought in with you? And I have curse and contracts teams that will go and neutralize that stuff out. And it’s a real escapade of antics as we look at the different things that have happened to a person.
Like everything in life, we don’t know what’s going on until we’re right in the shoot doing it.
What does a curse and contract team of angels do? They’re avoiding the contract that you made in a past life that’s carrying over into this lifetime, which kind of binds you in a negative way to another soul and has some sort of negative repercussions on this lifetime.
If you had made a contract, you may not know what you were making a contract for. Everything in life, we don’t know what’s going on until we’re right in the shoot doing it. Then it’s upfront and in your fish. You know everything about it. And so you may be totally controlled, maybe ahead of opportunities. I’ll have contract teams come in, engage that contract, neutralize it out, then drop it.
Then curses, they’ll carry from lifetime to lifetime, too. You always want to make sure that you grab that curse and neutralize it. What I’ll do is I’ll also—whoever put that curse on that—have that angel dim their minds because they’re somewhere in space and time; we don’t know where dim their minds to this situation that they cannot focus on it again.
A curse, one way of thinking about it, is a negative prayer. If you believe in the power of prayer, I’m talking about you, the hypothetical person, the listener. If you believe in prayer, then you, by kind of default, believe in negative prayer, too. If somebody is cursing you or sending you the evil eye, which is essentially negative prayer or envy and jealousy that they want what you have, that sends some pretty spiky energy your way.
It will, and you know it. One of the things that I can teach in my classes is that people come with faith, belief, and hope in the class. As an aircraft mechanic, I’m in hard reality, shooting rivets, drilling holes in airplanes and building stuff. When my students come through my class, they come with faith, belief, and hope, but they come out the backside knowing they know how to grab energy. They’ll get a set of dimensional lasers, so they know what it’s like to be in the know.
Negative thoughts can attract entities that feed on that energy. Staying positive and seeking angelic help can shift these energies and protect us from negative influences. Share on XThat’s where I want everybody to be in a knowing situation. So when you have a curse on you, you know something’s wrong, but you cannot pin it down because you don’t have the expertise, language, awareness, or experience of having that. When we come in, we can see it. Usually, when I’m in a session, I’ll discern it. “Oh, there’s a curse going.” Or we had a client here in the past week or two. “Have you been sexually molested?” And, of course, then it came out because there’s a lot of energy and all that, and she brought that to our attention.
Then, I was able to start working on getting that out of her field. Curse is an interesting animal. And people do that in past lives. You know, the medieval, oh, they like doing curses and witchcraft and all kinds of stuff. It’s just the name of the game of hurting other people.
It’s just another evil tool that they’re wielding. Also, when you think about the fact that time is an illusion, that there is no past, present, or future, it’s all happening in the eternal now. Then something that was sent to you, a negative prayer occurs from, I don’t know, the 14 hundreds or something can actually very much affect you today because that’s not hundreds and hundreds of years ago. It’s all part of the eternal now.
It’s all right there, front and in your face. It’s really valuable. It’s valuable to get two nippers once in a while with us just to pull all the energy off that’s not yours. People doing massage work are especially not trained well in clearing the energy of individuals who may have had hands-on experience. So I can tell the angels, guys, light up everybody that person has touched. Obviously, these little faces all through their body feel that the energy was still there from their healing sessions. At that point, I’ll go in there and engage all that energy and send it back to those individuals who were in their field.
Somebody empathic will potentially take on a lot of other people’s energy.

That’s why a lot of empaths will stay out of malls. That’s why I gave one person two panels, the basic panel, and then they brought it down to zero. And then another control knob where they brought in below zero. So now we’re in a negative zone around. We brought it down to zero, but now we’re in a negative because that person was that empathic and could pick up so readily. And that seemed to have worked really well for them.
One of the things I’ve done that’s working quite well for me is to only allow divine and sacred beings to communicate with me. I don’t want to be just a medium for any kind of relative or whatever I want to share with a friend, a client, or something like that. I’m not available for that. “No, thank you.” Having that intention and that desire and then making the request puts that protection layer or boundary around you to keep the lower vibration beings from the kind of getting in your face, figuratively.
You have to be forceful with these beings, and you’re more powerful than they are. And of course, there, again, the people just don’t understand because we’re in that 4% world, which the 96% is impacting us. It’s just a matter of paying attention and doing the best you can with it.
You mentioned a concept that I learned from you. I mean, it’s a real thing. It’s dimensional lasers. Could you describe how it works and how somebody can utilize dimensional lasers?
Everybody that comes through my class will get a set of dimensional lasers. Archangel Michael keeps them tuned up. A laser in the physical plane, you can use it for cutting, you can use it for communication. It’s a beam of light. It’s usually got a specific color to it, and it’s transmitted for various needs—lasers, cutting metal, and so forth. There are a lot of uses for lasers. But for my lasers, I have five sets.
I know how to run three in my hands. I have five sets in my hand, but I can run three of them. I know how they operate, but I can reach into space and time and grab energy. I’m in session with an individual. I talked to a lady this past couple of days. She was talking about past lives. So I reached into space and time, grabbed her energy from her past lives, and said, “Hold your hand up,” and put it in her hand.
I breathe qi energy into the intention of my thought.
There it was. Now she’s got this energy field of her past lives in her hand. And I say, “What does that feel like to you? Does it feel smooth and comfortable, spiky, heavy, neutral?” She says, “Oh, it’s a little spiky heavy.” I said, “Okay, just hang on to it.” So then I brought a couple of teams. I said, “Guys, let’s take note of that. Let’s show her what will happen by doing a session with me to clear this energy.” So I give a count to 20.
The reason I count is the angels know when I start, and they know at the end of 20, we need to have accomplishment. If I need to get another 20, I’ll give another 20. So, I count down from 1 to 20. I said, “Okay, what do you feel in your hand now?” And she says, “Oh, that’s much better.” She could feel the energy being pulled off in that thing. I need to get my clairvoyant in there to see what’s going on, too. We got a good result, but she could feel it. If a person wants to do a session, I can put the energy in their hands and let them feel what they would get by the end of the session time with us for that.
The lasers are valuable. As an example, I also brought this book out here that I wanted to show you. So this is The Crystal Bible 2. We have all these pictures of stones and so forth. Everything is in the etheric field. You just have to be able to grab it. If somebody would like to have, as an example for you, Stephan, hold your right hand out, and I’ll just do that. So this is rose quartz. I’m grabbing out space and time, putting on your hand. When I breathe out, I’m breathing chi energy and putting chi energy into that intention of my thought. So you have that in your hand. Do you feel the rose quartz?
I do.
I confuse the energy of other crystals with that. They do not exist in the physical plane in combination. But here is obsidian. Now, the rose quartz is comforting to the nervous system and the heart. The obsidian will engage all discordant energy in your body as such.
Here’s the diamond. The diamond amplifies it all. A lot of times, what I’ll do if that person will like to hang on to that for a while, I’ll just have them make a circle on a piece of paper like this, and then I’ll take that combination frequency, and I’ll put it on that paper. They can always go back, grab the energy off that paper, and put it in their body field. Or if they need protection, I’ll put three of these rose quartz and obsidian diamond crystals, one to the front of them, one to the left and to the right, and a little aft.
There may be some curses attached to our past lives, and we need to clear those out.
These will float with them everywhere, wherever they go, whether in bed or driving a car, and they’re absorbing energy all the time and balancing it out. But with a laser, I can reach that space in time, grab crystals or situations, and put it on a piece of paper, or if we’re doing healing work, for example. I’m going to give you another story.
You have given me some prosperity and abundance types of energies. I infuse that into the paper, cut it out, and put it in my iPhone case so that I can carry it with me.
Keep it on your person as much as possible. What happens is when I have made an energy circle up, and it’s been charged, and then as soon as that’s in your body field, the whole body will pick up on that. As an example, let me give a story about Nancy. She had to have back surgery, and so I’ve got, like, 30 people in the group and a chair up front. Everybody comes up, and they want what they want. I would make a circle up for them as such, and then I would give it to them for her.
It was a new spine. We made a big circle the size of the paper. They could utilize this big circle in their bed around the lower back or sitting in a chair, but that energy field is emanating there. And then I have also made some little circles on a second piece of paper, and they only need to be maybe an inch in diameter or less. So it’d be like that. So they would cut them out, and they would put them. I put a brand new backbone field and little circles on there for her, and I charged them up. I left, and I did not see her for a month.
When I saw her again, she ran up to me. She says, “You healed me.” And I said, “Well, not exactly. You healed yourself. You did what you were told to do. I did what I needed with the energy fields.” She did not have to have back surgery. She was so ecstatic. But she had him in her back pocket, shirt pocket, brae, and shoe.
I did not know that. She had them on her body for about two to three weeks. She had the big circle in the bed and all that. The energy was emitting. What happens is the body sees this perfect energy field or spirit field, and that replicates, “Oh, this is what I should look like, and it starts replicating back to the perfect body field.” It kind of depends on how long you’ve had your challenge. If you didn’t get there yesterday, it took a while to get to where you’re having your injury, that’s impacting. It takes time; we never know what else is attached to it.

There may be some curses attached to its past lives, and we don’t know. We need to clear those out, too. The lasers I can reach and grab brand new backbone fields out of space and time. Put that on the paperwork, and I can reach and grab anything. I’ll give a brand new body field, and they’ll have that. You want another story, and you want to keep pushing.
But I just want to make sure that our listener understands that if they don’t have the crystal on hand, let’s say it’s very rare, or they just don’t have it available at that moment because they haven’t purchased it yet, they don’t need the physical crystal. If they use the dimensional laser, they can pull that energy of the particular gemstone or whatever out of time and space and then infuse it into a piece of paper or incorporate it into whatever healing they’re working on. The book you shared with me before isn’t that book you just told us about.
The one that you had recommended to me in one of the classes that I took was The Book of Stones. I love having that on hand. A lot of other people liked it, too, because it’s 4.8 stars with a thousand and some ratings on Amazon.
It’s really good. You got a set of dimensional lasers when you came through a class, so we give you a set there. Utilize those as much as possible. The lasers are controlled by your mind. If you can think of it, you can run through it. If you do the astral or not good things, they’ll shut down on you. For all those listening to this podcast, just take note of all the angels assigned to each individual. Take note of the individual’s requests and work with them in space and time. All the angels will help out those individuals who see this podcast.
You mentioned Chi Breath at some point. Let’s talk a little bit more about that. There’s also something called liquid chi that you told me about, which I’ve never heard of before: ORMUS Monoatomic Gold. Let’s talk a little bit about that.
Chi is basically like the life force of the creator, and it’s probably more important than air. But when you breathe, the chi energy is in that oxygen. It goes into your body, and it comes out. When I do Chi breath, when I teach in class, the chi breath, my intention is that you’ve got a situation that’s not good or you want to shift energy to a better place. So you’re going to hold that thought first. You hold the thought and might want to write down a piece of paper—peace, joint happiness. “Things are going to go well today,” or whatever you wish, write it down.
You kind of organize in that aspect. Now, you got a candle up 5ft out there, and you got to blow that candle flame out. When you blow out, that’s focusing the chi energy in the roof of your mouth. Now, unless you have third-eye capability, you will not see that chi energy, but somebody with a third eye can see it. But if you compress oxygen, you compress it to a liquid and use that in industry a lot. But you’re focusing that chi energy in that thought form in your mouth, and your delivery system is your breath. So I usually do a set of three chi breaths, and if it feels the energy, you can use your lasers and grab the energy field out there. That person, hold that in your hand, do three breaths on that person’s energy field in your hand there.
Chi is basically like the life force of the creator, and it’s probably more important than air. But when you breathe, the chi energy is in that oxygen.
Suppose it starts to shift. Great, if it doesn’t, then do another three on it. And if not shift, do another three. It’ll start to shift, and you’ll be surprised. I taught this lady how to do Chi breath for her kids, and she’s at the dinner table, and the kids watching her say, “Mom, you’re breathing really hard. Is there a problem here?” And she’s running Chi breath on the kid because he’s a gamer.
She’s trying to get him broken off of the game situation. But Chi Breath is pretty powerful, and anytime I’m working, you’ll hear me run Chi energy with my intention. For example, when I put the crystals in your hand, I run the chi energy.
What about liquid chi?
There are three kinds of chi. The first is, you see, in the martial arts, where they’re controlling their energy with their thoughts and through their body. Secondly, we talked about the chi breath. Then there’s the kitty cat who lost its tail in a windstorm. A piece of roof came off and cut the tail off. The owner would use ORMUS as a hand lotion, and the kitty cat would lick it off her hand. And as time passed, the tail grew back. And that’s in that picture. So it’s interesting, but it’s liquid chi, and I’ve used it to grow like a stinging nettle.
Up here in Washington state, where I’m at, there’s stinging nettles. I go into the woods and get two stingy nettles the same size. There’s one stalk each like this. I planted them both, and I got pictures of them. No cheating. All you have is one stalk and a few seed pods. But with the one I put ORMUS with, it had multiple stalks, multiple seed pods, and it was like a gigantic bush. And a single hill does not look like a bush. It’s just a single stalk plant.
ORMUS is extremely valuable. And you can, you can get on the Internet and purchase it, but you can make it. I would give some cautions. I’m unfamiliar with making ORMUS for consumption, but I make it for my plants. You’ll do it if you purchase salt. People who are good at making ORMUS have salts coming from all over the world and dissolve the salt in a bucket of water. And then you’re going to get lye. And this could be like, drain or best.
Just buy the lye, and you can dissolve a bunch of lye into water. Get it into a liquid, and then go back to your bucket, stir your bucket, and then start pouring your lye in there. And all of a sudden, it materializes. It looks like cotton. And then you’re going to wash it out. You’re going to watch the lye out. There’s a process on YouTube that you can look at to get a good idea of how to make ORMUS. But I’ll be making ORMUS this in the next couple of months. I’ll be making oranges to grow here myself. Did that answer your questions there?
I was already familiar with the story and had googled it ages ago when you first told me about it. I know we’re getting close to time here, but let’s talk for just a minute a bit more about dousing and how the pendulum, or just the concept of dousing, can assist with someone’s receiving abilities and kind of getting the right path illuminated.
I teach dowsing, but I’m careful and will not teach it because people will use it like a crystal ball and start to depend on it. That’s not the situation. Some years ago, I was with my clairvoyant, Dean, and I said to Dean, “Watch as I’m dowsing with my pendulum.” Dean looked at that in the physical plane, saw it spinning around, and then he switched to the third eye and saw a hand coming over my hand from the spirit plane. At that point, I said, “Archangel Michael, what’s going on here? And Michael says, “I am downloading the information you requested.” So basically, the pendulum is the result of something you have requested. But the problem is this.
Angels do not know what it’s like to have an earth experience, so they may not get the correct information fed to you. So that’s why I’m careful with that: when you start depending on that, you can be misled. But the angels are sinking with my body, and through my muscle system, it is coming out as a yes or no answer here, which is what it’s doing. See? I can control that penalty, but just my thoughts. So watch for just about a minute here. This is a yes indication, no indication. Right hand spin. Left hand spin.
Stone still. But the pendulum is a result of the synchronization with the angels to your body, basically, is what’s going on. And I see some of the best dows in the world, like Raymond Grace. These dows don’t know how they work, but they do get results. And that’s where they’re kind of at, that you get results and keep pushing.
Raymon Grace is very famous in the area.
He is quite famous. He’s good. He’s got some teams with him. We looked at him dimensionally, and he’s got some teams helping him with his dowsing skills.
This is a really, really important point that you shared that can become a crutch if you’re relying on your pendulum or just dousing in general. And that could be in the form of muscle testing, too. If you are depending on it, then you can be misled. If you are using it as a crutch, you’re hindering your direct receiving abilities, and this tool becomes a dependency.
If an angel materializes before you or prompts you, pay attention to it. But don’t let angels make decisions like you want an answer, and they make a decision. What I’ll do a lot of times is ask the creator and the angels if this is the correct decision I’ve made. And they can say yay or nay, and then I’ll muscle test it and dowse it too. I get the whole spectrum there. Be careful with the pendulum because it’s a valuable tool. But it does take skills to understand both sides: the physical plane, the spirit plane, and interactions with each other.
I just want to differentiate for our listener because we’re getting close to the time here that when someone takes a course with you, a class, then you’re teaching something like a topic on entities and entity removal, or you’re teaching a class on dowsing, or you’re teaching a class on working with angel teams and the different kinds of teams that they could be working with. That is a one-to-a-group sort of situation.
You also work one on one. It’s two-one because you bring Dean in, there’s a session with an individual dealing with a health crisis, or they’re dealing with some sort of breakdown in a relationship or the family or something, and they need some angelic assistance. You work with that person. In combination with Dean’s third eye sight and your direct relationships with these angel teams. You’re able to assist one-on-one on Zoom, is that right?
If we’re doing a session, I work with Dean. I have Charlie, who’s a clairvoyant also out of LA. They both have good skills, and that’s invaluable for healing. But if somebody just wants to learn some technology with me, I’ll just do a one-on-one with them, and we’ll do some energy work to feel the energy in your hand and give you a set of lasers and practice that. The most important thing is practice because this is so out-of-the-box information technology that you’ll lose it if you don’t practice it. But by the end of the week, you’ll have forgotten what’s going on. So you need to practice, or you can always give me a shout, and I’ll reinstate the whole mindset again, including what you’re doing and where you’re going.
I think you had a special offer for our listeners if they wanted to do a session or a class or something.
If you go to the website, it’ll be listed there. Just go there and take note. If you want to do a session, a first-time session usually lasts about an hour. It takes about an hour to clean the energy fields up. After that, maybe a month or two months later, you might want to do a half hour just to clean some energy field up. Or if you’ve got situations like you’re in business, situations in which we have CEOs that come to us. They want to look dimensionally at what’s going on with individuals and see where they’re going in the corporation. It’s an invaluable tool we bring to the whole process of seeing where we’re at.
The website is Thank you for your generosity with that. Are there any last words of wisdom or our kind of gold nugget for our listeners to leave this amazing interview with?
If you hold your hands out, men, hold your right hand out. Ladies, hold your left hand out. The teams of angels are assigned to each of these individuals.
“Hi, guys and gals. Can you touch their hands and let them know that you are present with them? Thanks, guys.” Touch your hands. You might feel some warmth, a little pressure, maybe some tingling.
Also, take note it may not even be in the hand. You may feel warmth on your heart or your shoulder. But connect with those teams of angels because I assign those teams with the creator’s permission and blessings to all of you to help you all out. That’s why they’re assigned to you. You need a little extra help. And if you need help, give me a shout, and I’m more than glad to help you out and get you out. We’re all in this boat together. We got to help each other out.
It reminds me of the Ram Dass quote. We’re all just walking each other home.
Really? That’s true. Yep. We bring our different skills together and help each other out for sure.
All right well, is the website. We’ll catch you on the next episode. I am your host, Stephan Spencer, signing off.
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